Address: 66 To Hien Thanh, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City

Opening hours: all days of the week, from 6am to 8pm

Contact phone number: 098 908 35 70

Price range: 60,000 VND / portion

It will not be difficult for you to find a Thanh Tri banh cuon restaurant if you have the opportunity to visit the capital, but to be able to properly enjoy the flavor of this traditional dish will be a bit difficult. Surely that is also the reason why even though there are countless restaurants appearing, Ba Hoanh Banh Cuon restaurant is located peacefully on To Hien Thanh street, one of the culinary alleys in Hanoi, still bustling with scenes of people coming and going. Even though it has existed for nearly a hundred years in the heart of the capital. So, what makes this restaurant so attractive, let’s explore with Vietnamtravelio.

See more: 6 delicious autumn dishes in Hanoi that no one can refuse

Ba Hoanh's banh cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 2

Nearly a hundred years old, Ba Hoanh’s Banh Cuon is like a “long-time friend” that is familiar to many generations of local people. It seems that everyone in the capital has visited Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh at least once

First of all, we must mention the age of this banh cuon shop. The shop owner, Ms. Hoanh, started selling at the age of 14, and has now passed it down to her children and grandchildren to continue the family business. But the special thing is that everyone who comes here to eat comments that the taste of the food has not changed at all, which makes everyone feel like they have gone back in time to their childhood.

The restaurant’s space is very simple, simply a small house on To Hien Thanh street with a few sets of tables and chairs plus a few small tables placed on the sidewalk in case there are too many diners. It’s so simple, but everyone loves Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh and keeps coming here to eat every time they crave the special flavor of this rustic dish.

Another interesting point of Ba Hoanh’s Banh Cuon is that the cake is thinly coated and cooled, served with dipping sauce, grilled pork rolls, fatty pork rolls, and eggplant. In addition, at Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh restaurant, there are also hot rolls filled with minced meat and seasoned wood ear mushrooms to serve diners whenever they want to change their taste.

The special part of Ba Hoanh Banh Cuon shop is the eggplant put into a bowl of dipping sauce mixed with a harmonious sweet and sour mixture. When cut into bite-sized pieces, eggplant will spread an attractive aroma, combined with a bowl of dipping sauce, it will be even more rich and delicious. However, not everyone can eat eggplant, so when diners need it, Ba Hoanh Banh Cuon restaurant only serves it. Is that too psychological?

Ba Hoanh's banh cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 3

If you come to Ba Hoanh restaurant on crowded days, you will easily see people sitting on the sidewalk. That’s enough to prove the appeal of this sidewalk restaurant, right?

Ba Hoanh's banh cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 4

The space inside the restaurant is simply decorated with wooden tables and chairs, pictures of dishes and highlights are lanterns woven from bamboo to create a familiar and cozy feeling.

Ba Hoanh's banh cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 5

A serving of banh cuon at Ba Hoanh restaurant is loved by everyone with the fullness of the banh cuon and spring rolls. Of course, we cannot forget the cup of eggplant dipping sauce that is hard to find elsewhere

Ba Hoanh's banh cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 6

There are two types of banh cuon at the restaurant, including wet or filled. Depending on the needs of diners, the restaurant will serve. However, whether you order a wet cake or a cake with filling, it comes with a cup of dipping sauce and delicious pork patties

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 7

Do the fat rolls look appealing? This is what attracts people to frequent Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh restaurant

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 8

There’s nothing better than the feeling of dipping a piece of cake into a bowl of rich dipping sauce, then eating it all at once to feel the flavor.

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 9

This dish is suitable to eat on cold days in the capital. Sipping a cup of fragrant hot tea is even more wonderful.

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 10

Cup of Ca Cuong dipping sauce – The highlight of Ba Hoanh restaurant, helping to attract the attention of many people

As one of the oldest restaurants in the heart of the capital, Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh has been associated with many generations of local people, and has become a symbol of Hanoi cuisine in addition to its specialties. other like Pho Bat Dan or Ms. Bau’s cold snail vermicelli. So, how do diners rate the taste of the food at Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh? Let’s find out with Vietnamtravelio!

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 11

If you come to Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh during peak hours, you will easily see images of diners sitting everywhere

Ba Hoanh's Banh Cuon, a hundred-year-old restaurant in the heart of the capital 12

Rating 10/10 is really reassuring, right?

It will not be easy for a sidewalk restaurant to persist over time in the heart of a bustling and constantly changing capital with the appearance of countless luxury and high-end brands and restaurants. But, Ba Hoanh’s rice rolls again as a bright spot of the capital’s culinary scene when associated with many generations of local people. If you want to have interesting experiences like a true local, don’t forget to save the name Banh Cuon Ba Hoanh in your Travel Guidebook as a luggage for your upcoming trip.