When mentioning Da Lat today, in addition to the scenery and blooming flower gardens, many people will immediately think of the beautiful cafes. Cacaoken Coffee is a place that chocolate or cocoa lovers cannot miss.

Address: 29 Hung Vuong, Ward 10, Da Lat City, Lam Dong

Fanpage: Cacaoken VietNam


Contact phone: 076 329 0229

Business hours: 8h00 – 22h00

Average price: 10,000 VND – 100,000 VND

Coming to the land of thousands of flowers, visitors will have the opportunity to visit many unique attractions and sip delicious drinks. On cold days, there’s nothing better than sitting in a cozy coffee shop, holding a cup of fragrant cocoa in your hand.

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Cacaoken has a quite spacious and airy garden area

That is also what many tourists like about Cacaoken Coffee, a shop specializing in cocoa and chocolate drinks, a branch of a famous cocoa brand in the world. Cacaoken is currently located on Hung Vuong Street and is both a cocoa factory and a drink shop. Nestled on a peaceful street in Da Lat, the restaurant has a cool courtyard for relaxing and admiring the scenery, so it is very popular with young people.

The house looks simple but stands out thanks to the white and red color combination, making anyone passing by have to look back. The first floor is a cocoa factory established in early 2018 based on modern Japanese lines. The shop owner is also Japanese, so he has greatly influenced the design style of this place, which has a strong Japanese feel.

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The shop specializes in chocolate desserts and cocoa drinks

The cafe has a menu specializing in delicious chocolate desserts and cocoa drinks. Choosing Da Lat as the location for the cocoa factory is also extremely wise because this is a major tourist city in Vietnam, and can promote the image of cocoa to international friends most quickly.

See more: Enjoy affordable roasted coffee at S Coffee Roastery

From Da Lat market, you can move across Ong Dao bridge to Tran Quoc Toan street facing Lam Vien square. Then we continue to look towards Hung Vuong street and the prominent white villa number 29 is Cacaoken.

Cacaoken Coffee is different from other coffee shops out there in that it is a branch of a famous cocoa brand in Japan. Thanks to this unique feature, when the shop opened, it made people excited for a while, because cocoa and chocolate are a favorite dish of many people.

The villa where the shop is located is an old-style villa with two main color tones: red and white, true to the simple and outstanding spirit of Japan. Many types of trees are planted around the shop, helping the air feel more airy and cool. The spacious yard is where visitors can park their cars or walk around to enjoy the fresh air and take virtual photos.

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The shop is beautifully designed, with a Japanese influence

The large building has 2 floors, the 1st floor is a cocoa production and processing factory, and the 2nd floor is designed as a cocoa shop so that visiting diners can enjoy this favorite drink of theirs. This is also a cocoa shop. It’s not simple, but people can relax, chat or simply check-in and post pictures on social networks.

The second floor is arranged with tables and chairs and an area selling cocoa products for customers to buy. The arrangement of vertical wooden cabinets with cocoa bags arranged neatly and cutely looks like Takoyaki stalls in Japan. Before buying, you can try cocoa on the spot. If you find it delicious and like the taste, then decide to buy.

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A stand of cocoa products is displayed for visitors to choose from

All products in the shop are handmade, ensuring quality, safety and deliciousness. The Japanese owner pays attention to every small detail, minimizing space and food presentation. Compact tables and chairs do not take up much space, enough furniture close to the wall to take advantage of the function of being able to display many dishes. The shop owner is always mindful of welcoming guests and pleasing those who leave, so diners can sit in the workshop to enjoy cocoa or go upstairs to sit, or take it home to eat.

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Outdoor seating space for those who want to cool off while sipping a cup of cocoa

If you want to discover firsthand how cocoa is produced, you can go down to the first floor to have a look. This place has many machines and equipment that are continuously operated by skilled workers. Visitors to Cacaoken Coffee will be introduced to the process of extracting and processing cocoa, and how to create quality chocolate bars.

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Cocoa factory according to Japanese standards where high quality products are created

Next is the display area for products made from cocoa, which takes diners to the land full of the charming aroma of Lam Dong specialty cocoa. The shop owner always warmly welcomes customers and introduces each meticulous step. You will see ingredients you have only heard of such as cocoa tea, cocoa wine…

The finished products will be carefully packaged according to quality standards for delivery to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh or exported to Japan and other countries. The owner also shared that in the future, he can expand and build an experience area for chocolate making stages for diners to visit and try flavors on the spot.

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Diners can choose the products they want to buy right at the counter

You only need to spend about 200,000 VND to participate in a handmade chocolate making workshop in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Specifically, we will visit the factory, learn about cocoa trees and the Bean to bar chocolate production process. After that, visitors will practice making their own chocolate from raw cocoa beans, experience the process of grinding cocoa beans, mixing cocoa, and pouring molds by hand.

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Workshop participants will be guided on how to make their own chocolate

In addition, Cacaoken Coffee also takes customers to visit the showroom, experience all products made from cocoa beans for free, and enjoy any drink from the shop’s diverse drink menu. At the end of the session, you will bring home chocolate making experience as well as chocolate bars you made yourself.

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The finished chocolate bars are the gift you give yourself

When exploring Da Lat, visitors should visit Cacaoken Coffee to experience a menu with a full range of dishes and drinks with the main ingredient being cocoa. Ingredients are filtered and produced by the hands of professional craftsmen. When enjoying, diners will feel the rich flavor and unique charm of chocolate.

In particular, there is a best-seller at the restaurant, which is fish cake, with a fragrant shell and hot melted chocolate inside. As soon as you taste it, you can feel it melting right in your mouth. There is also hot cocoa that is equally delicious, fragrant and can dispel the coldness of Da Lat.

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Fish cake – Cacaoken Coffee’s best-seller

Chocolate hot pot is also a reasonable choice if you go in a group. This dish has many side dishes such as mango, strawberry, apple, chopped banana, chocolate, and ice cream. A small pot of chocolate is placed underneath with a candle lit to keep it hot. When eating, diners just need to add the toppings to the chocolate sauce in the pot, let the chocolate layer cover the outside and enjoy the delicious taste of mixed fruits. with the bitter taste of chocolate.

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This is a chocolate hot pot, a perfect blend of the sweetness of fruit with the bitterness of chocolate

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Cacaoken Coffee is an ideal meeting place for friends or couples

Another type of cake that diners also like is tiramisu cake with creamy cheese in the middle, moderate acidity and density. On top of the cake is a layer of pure cocoa, which is both beautiful and delicious.

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The shop has many beautiful virtual check-in points

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Don’t forget to buy some delicious cakes to enjoy with a cup of cocoa

In the cold weather of Da Lat, there is nothing better than going to Cacaoken Coffee to make a cup of hot cocoa and cakes. After visiting the attractions in Da Lat, remember to stop by here to enjoy once, surely the delicious and passionate flavor of the restaurant will not disappoint you.