Pha lau is a dish originating from the South, specifically from the Southwestern provinces. This dish is loved for its rich flavor, made from delicious beef offal ingredients. In recent years, pha lau has been introduced to Da Nang, and has begun to be re-processed and modified by local people according to the taste of Central people. Gradually, pha lau has become familiar to local people and tourists, with a very unique color that makes diners praise its deliciousness.

Da Nang's delicious pha lau addresses that cannot be denied 2

Da Nang’s Pha Lau has a clear Central flavor

Da Nang pha lau is served with bread or instant noodles, the broth is prepared moderately, not too sweet like southern pha lau. The easy-to-eat flavor that suits the taste of the majority helps this dish become increasingly popular. To help you easily find delicious places to eat, Vietnamtravelio has found for you 6 addresses with delicious Da Nang pha lau flavors that delight diners.

See more: Top 7 delicious Banh Canh restaurants in Da Nang that delight diners

Address: 16 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Hoa Cuong Nam, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 15:00 – 20:00

Average price: 30,000 VND – 40,000 VND

Phone number: 0888 777 017

Pha Lau Saigon Restaurant 1976 is a restaurant opened by a Saigon owner, with delicious flavors that conquer diners. The restaurant has only been open for more than 2 years, located on the busy Xo Viet Nghe Tinh street, but has received a lot of love from both locals and tourists.

Delicious addresses of Da Nang pha lau that cannot be denied 3

Pha Lau Saigon 1976 is a suitable place for Southern diners to come and enjoy.

Pha Lau Saigon 1976 has a mixed flavor between the old Saigon pha lau mixed with the familiar flavors of Da Nang. Each portion of food is meticulously prepared, from carefully cleaned liver and beef ingredients. Then add raw vegetables, green mango, green banana, ginger sauce and fried onions, creating a delicious bowl of pha lau.

The restaurant also serves combos for large groups at super preferential prices. The largest combo can eat up to 8 people, you will freely enjoy the rich flavors with your relatives and friends.

Address: 149 Nui Thanh, Hoa Cuong Nam, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 17:00 – 22:00

Average price: 15,000 VND – 30,000 VND

Quan Thuy is a small restaurant located on Nui Thanh street, quite close to the city center. This place serves bowls of pha lau with extremely delicious thick broth, like braised beef style. A full portion will include spleen, liver, young pho, star fruit, honeycomb, eaten with bread, it is absolutely delicious. The shop is decorated very cutely with familiar images and eye-catching printed cups and chopsticks. Here they also serve boneless chicken feet soaked in sweet and sour lemongrass and kumquat, which is worth trying.

Delicious addresses of Da Nang pha lau that cannot be denied 4

Does the super attractive pot of Pha Lau make you feel moved?

The restaurant space is clean, the staff are attentive and enthusiastic, and the prices are affordable, only from 15,000 to 30,000 VND per bowl. So this will definitely be a super attractive destination for you to enjoy Da Nang lagoon in style.

Address: 282 Trung Nu Vuong, Hoa Thuan Dong, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 16:00 – 22:00

Average price: 20,000 VND – 30,000 VND

Pha Lau Sinh is a restaurant located opposite the city church, from afar you can smell the mouth-watering aroma of Pha Lau. The restaurant has been attached to the city for the past 6-7 years, the rich flavor has accompanied every bowl of pha lau served to diners.

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The prepared pha lau portions are not only delicious but also beautifully presented

Each bowl of Pha Lau Sinh is very rich, served with papaya, sweet and sour pickles. When you eat, you will feel the delicious chewy, greasy and rich taste of the thick sauce. You can choose a large or small bowl depending on your appetite. If you can’t eat spicy food, remember to remind the restaurant owner not to add chili.

At this Pha Lau restaurant in Da Nang, they also serve beef tendon dishes and stir-fried intestines with turmeric, which also have a delicious flavor. However, the restaurant only serves in the afternoon after 4 o’clock, so please be careful to choose a suitable time to come to the restaurant.

See more: Gather together at Da Nang’s famous Hong Ngoc Chicken Rice

Address: Con Market Gate, 290 Hung Vuong, Vinh Trung, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 15:00 – 19:00

Average price: 15,000 – 25,000

Con Market is no longer strange to tourists who love Da Nang city. This place is famous as a culinary paradise with countless delicious dishes at affordable prices. Right at the market gate, you will immediately meet the cute saleswoman’s huge burden of rice. She sat next to the steaming pot of pha lau, warmly welcoming each customer.

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The pha lau sections at the gate of Con Market promise to bring you the true flavors of Da Nang

A full bowl of pha lau includes vegetables, blood, liver, sliced ​​mango, spleen… Fried onions and sliced ​​wild onions on top make the dish even more fragrant. The tables and chairs at the restaurant are ordinary plastic tables and chairs, with free iced tea served. The owner makes the food very quickly, you only need to wait a few minutes to have a hot bowl of pha lau. Each piece of beef tripe is carefully cooked, imbued with flavor, chewy and delicious, making this restaurant a never-ending attraction for customers.

Address: Lot 26 Phan Thanh Tai, Binh Thuan, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 p.m

Average price 60,000 VND – 80,000 VND

Phone: 090 819 7872

Pha Lau Gia Lang is one of the famous restaurants serving Pha Lau in Da Nang. The restaurant specializes in beef dishes, including beef hot pot, grilled beef and pha lau. Initially, the main dish of the restaurant was beef hot pot, but after eating, everyone nodded and praised the flavor of pha lau. So the good news spreads far and wide, when many people want to enjoy pha lau with rich flavor, many people choose to go to Gia Lang.

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Super quality pha lau pots at Gia Lang

There are two types of pha lau at the restaurant: water pha lau and mixed pha lau. Broth pha lau is eaten with dipping bread, while mixed pha lau is drier with a lot of beef tendons, seasoned to taste. This place is an attractive destination suitable for groups of families and friends. Although the food prices are higher than other places, the quality is not questionable.

Address: Alley 288 Hung Vuong, Hai Chau 2, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Opening hours: 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m

Average price: 30,000 VND

Finally in the list of pha lau Huong in Da Nang, we cannot ignore the famous pha lau Huong restaurant. Because the restaurant is located in an alley, it’s a bit difficult to find, but if you come, you will be extremely surprised by the taste of the food here.

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Pha lau dish eaten with noodles is super popular at Huong restaurant

The broth of Huong is cooked with pure sweetness from simmered beef offal, along with fresh coconut water to create a sweet taste. In addition, the aroma of cinnamon and five spices makes the broth even more flavorful. The color of the broth is the yellow color of carefully stewed coconut water, with absolutely no colorants used, so it is praised by many diners.

A portion of Huong restaurant’s Da Nang pha lau will be very full of ingredients such as liver, book leaves, towels, young pho, honeycomb, star fruit, the thick broth mixed with instant noodles that have been boiled over and over to make it even more flavorful. .

With the 6 pha lau restaurants mentioned above, Vietnamtravelio hopes you have chosen the right address to enjoy this delicious Da Nang delicacy. Hope you have interesting experiences in this beautiful coastal city.