– Address: 100 Nguyen Hue, Hue city

– Opening hours: 07:00 – 22:00

– Price: 12k – 35k

Referring to Hue city, people often remember mausoleums, majestic but quiet pagodas or the Perfume River flowing through the city, winding like a strip of green silk. However, let me tell you that the center of this Ancient Capital also has quiet little corners that you can visit. Come to Lam Cafe and let yourself wander in the simple surroundings, enjoy a delicious drink and forget about everyday difficulties.

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Lam Cafe sign with typical blue color. Just run on Nguyen Hue street, you will immediately recognize the shop

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Luxurious space inside with fancy lampshades and high-quality wooden tables and chairs

Lam Cafe brings a feeling of peace, like being lost in a romantic, poetic space of beautiful France. The shop space is surrounded by gentle tones in harmony with the lovely “vibe” of the objects. The weather in Co Do is hot, but when you step into Lam Cafe you will feel extremely comfortable with its pure white color and some green accents from the trees, landscape and items in the shop. It is revealed that inside Lam Café there are also many air conditioners, dispelling the hot and sweltering heat of the Ancient Capital on sunny summer days.

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The fireplace corner is a bit “fake” but the overall picture looks very neat

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Christmas decorations at Lam Ca Coffee bring the Christmas atmosphere closer to everyone

Although the menu of drinks is not too diverse, Lam Coffee still does a very good job in mixing and decorating its dishes. The drinks are brought out carefully, the portions are just enough for you to sip and chat with friends. However, the drinks here are quite sweet, so if you like bland drinks, you can tell the staff to add a little sugar!

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The ice blended dishes at Lam Ca Phe Hue are very popular with everyone

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From crushed ice matcha with jelly and a layer of cream that is also green tea. This flavor is a true love for green tea lovers

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Or if you’re “anti green tea”, you can try iced blended coffee which is also very delicious

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If you’re afraid of drinking coffee and losing sleep, try ice-blended berries – Below will be blueberries, above will be fresh strawberries. It’s too much, isn’t it?

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Lam’s menu is here. Note that you can only smoke outside, do not smoke inside the shop as it may affect other customers

What makes an impression on many visitors coming here is the enthusiasm and warmth of the staff. You can see right from the parking attendant, to the cashier, to the bartender, to the server. Everyone is very welcoming to customers and attentive to their needs. Therefore, you will not feel lost or unwelcome at Lam Coffee in Hue!

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The bartenders are extremely skillful and will make you countless delicious dishes

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Cheese sticks are so cute

See more: Suggested top 9 Cafes on Le Loi Street in Hue to rest for a long trip

The space decorated in the cafe is very unique, from the dark brown interior to the classic lampshades made of woven bamboo. A colorful square pillow placed neatly on the chair will not only make the room more unique but will also be a soft support for you on deadline days. With its own simple beauty, the interiors combine harmoniously with each other, giving you an incredible feeling of peace. More specifically, the shop is also decorated with some beautiful small potted plants to create a cool green look for this peaceful space.

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A corner of Lam Cafe’s menu board – The text is raised, with a warm brown tone

At Lam Cafe, the corner next to the window is the favorite position of diners who come here. Blue window frame on white wall of an unusually quiet room. Enjoying a cup of fragrant steaming coffee, sitting by the window watching time gently pass by, my heart feels light without any worries. That’s a great way to gently “escape” from the busy work of life, isn’t it?

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This is the legendary window frame. There are also white curtains blowing in the wind, allowing you to freely transform into a muse

Not only is there a simple, peaceful space inside the shop, but Lam Ca Phe also has vibrant, bustling corners coming from the space outside on the sidewalk, where people often gather to watch football. and cheer for your favorite team. Under the yellow light, everyone breathed in unison to work towards the home team’s victory. This is a particularly interesting experience! So if you explore Hue right around soccer time, why don’t you try coming to Lam Café to enjoy this bustling atmosphere?

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You guys seem to be closely watching the match. I wonder which match it is?

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Looking at the TV screen, Vietnamtravelio will ask you which football match it is! If you guess correctly, you “fail” and get a prize, but it’s fun

“The restaurant’s decor is quaint and cozy, there are many beautiful photo angles, the menu doesn’t look like anything special, the drinks look simple but they’re delicious, I ordered the strawberry pineapple tomato juice, it tastes delicious. It’s better than expected. It’s easy to drink and very delicious. My friend ordered crushed ice and the cream was thick and delicious. Everyone who comes here should try ordering crushed ice to try the creamy layer. Egg coffee is also okay. Not fishy, ​​slightly sweet coffee, not too bitter but I like it. The shop’s mixology is really good, everyone.” Khoai shares about his experience at Lam Café on a food review site.

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Lam Ca Phe is a quiet place for you to enjoy a cup of coffee and read a book

“Lam cafe, this shop I really like the salted coffee, the coffee flavor is rich, fatty, fragrant and delicious. The shop is spacious. If you sit outside, you can see the street, if you sit inside, it’s warm. This is also a place to check out. Printed quite beautifully. Enthusiastic and cheerful staff. Will come back many times :))” commented Tram Nguyen.

“It’s hot and sunny, 2-3 o’clock in the afternoon, hiding in this cafe is like going to the North Pole :)) The room has 5 or 6 air conditioners and a non-smoking room. I really like the space here and the drinks are also soft and smooth with crushed ice. The layer of ice cream on ice-blended blueberries is absolutely delicious. It tastes delicious without feeling greasy at all. The space is quiet, the music is also quite soft and gentle. It’s very suitable for those who like to read books to come here, it’s unusually quiet. Polite and enthusiastic staff.” Khanh highly appreciated the “coolness” of Lam and the drinks here.

Lam Café is a place sought after by many young people because not only does it have many poetic virtual shooting angles, but also because of the top mixing skills of the staff here. Everyone can enjoy quiet moments, peacefully read books, and can also immerse themselves in the exciting and bustling atmosphere of soccer matches and celebrate victories. If you arrange your schedule to visit Hue, you can refer to many other beautiful cafes such as Hanok Cafe or the famous S,M,L,XL!