Hue has long been a land famous for its beautiful scenery, loving people and delicious food. So if you come here, you must definitely try the typical dishes of the capital, then your trip will not be in vain. Among them, mixed vermicelli is the top attractive dish that visitors should not miss.

The mixed noodle dish is created according to the philosophy of the five elements Metal – Wood – Water – Fire – Earth with 5 harmonious colors. The white color of the vermicelli noodles (vermicelli noodles), the brown color of chopped wood ear mushrooms, the green color of the fresh vegetables served, the red color of the chili and finally the yellow color of the fried beans. When mixed, the ingredients will blend together, creating a dish that is not only delicious but also beautiful.

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Mixed vermicelli is a famous dish in Hue, loved by many people

The most common type of vermicelli used to make mixed vermicelli is arrowroot vermicelli. Dong vermicelli is made from arrowroot powder, mixed with rice flour and tapioca starch, so the vermicelli noodles when cooked are not mushy but very chewy and delicious. When processing, the vermicelli will be blanched for about 3 minutes, then taken out and blanched with ice or cold water to prevent the vermicelli from sticking together. The experience Vietnamtravelio heard from veteran saleswomen is that adding a little cooking oil to the water will make the vermicelli strands shiny and spongy, both delicious and eye-catching.

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Figs are added to the mixed vermicelli, the astringent taste makes the dish more perfect

The way to prepare mixed vermicelli is not complicated at all, mainly simple operations. Therefore, delicious food depends on fresh, carefully selected ingredients. The noodle filling includes young jackfruit or pink-fleshed fig, boiled, sliced ​​thinly and then squeezed dry to completely remove the acrid taste. This dish is best when eaten with young jackfruit, but in the winter when there is no jackfruit, figs can be used as a substitute, which is also very delicious. A bit of astringency from jackfruit and fig makes the dish even more homely, familiar and familiar.

The white beans are fried until both sides are golden brown, taken out, drained of oil, and sliced ​​into thin pieces. Wash the carrots and mushrooms, thinly slice and chop them. Then put the pan on the stove, fry the onions, then add the vermicelli, vegetables, and beans and stir-fry together. Season to taste, stir quickly until the vermicelli begins to firm up, gradually turns brown, the vegetables are cooked, then sprinkle a little green onion, cashew oil and pepper to make the dish more fragrant. smell.

See more: The unique flavor of noodle soup with fish sauce from the dreamy land of Hue

The process of making mixed vermicelli is quite simple, so the ingredients retain their flavor and blend together perfectly. Containing starch, vegetables, fried beans, and various spices, this dish becomes the perfect choice to eat three meals a day.

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Hue mixed vermicelli dish is both delicious and eye-catching

Mixed vermicelli is even more delicious when eaten with suitable broths. Whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, you can enjoy this dish. The broth is made from fish sauce or fish sauce, adding a few slices of pork skin, crushed peanuts, and a thick, rich sauce. For vegetarians, it will be simpler, use vermicelli mixed with soy sauce (soy sauce) and add a little lemon and chili.

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A bowl of mixed vermicelli is waiting to be served to diners

Mixed vermicelli noodles are loved by many tourists when coming to Hue, so now there are many restaurants that have variations to make this dish more attractive. You can see portions of mixed vermicelli where the vermicelli is replaced with yellow noodles or rice vermicelli, with pork rinds, fish cakes, grilled meat… to make the dish more delicious and diverse in flavor. Enjoying mixed vermicelli, diners will feel the fresh flavor of green vegetables and crispy rice paper mixed with each piece of meat, each piece of beans, topped with a delicious sauce, who can refuse.

See more: Vinegar noodle soup – Taste of the ancient capital

In Hue, on the roads to explore the Ancient Capital, you can easily see baskets of mixed vermicelli sold by ladies and gentlemen on the sidewalk. Because this is a rustic dish that is easy to make, it is also very popular. However, to eat the most delicious and clean mixed vermicelli, follow Vietnamtravelio to find the coordinates of the delicious restaurant for you.

Address: Opposite 15 Luong Van Can, An Cuu Ward, Hue City

Business hours: 06:00 – 10:00

Price range: 5,000 VND – 10,000 VND

When talking about Hue mixed vermicelli, the first and most famous address is Cay Sung mixed vermicelli. The restaurant is located on Luong Van Can street, located right under a large fig tree. The restaurant has no name so customers have long been used to calling it Cay Sung restaurant. The restaurant has been with Hue people for more than 10 years, loved by both locals and tourists.

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Cay Sung mixed noodle shop is located in a small alley but is always crowded

The shop not only sells mixed vermicelli but also has banh mi tiu and banh loc, so this has become a breakfast address associated with the youth of many Hue people. Mixed vermicelli here includes ingredients: raw vegetables, meat patties, grilled meat, grilled rice paper, vermicelli… arranged in neat, clean trays. When someone comes into the restaurant to order, the kind owner slowly takes each ingredient into a bowl for the customer to mix and eat.

A bowl of mixed vermicelli at Cay Sung restaurant is extremely cheap, the normal portion is only 7,000 VND, if you want to eat more, it’s only 10,000 VND, a cheap breakfast is delicious, isn’t it? So if you come to Hue, you definitely don’t miss the delicious – nutritious – cheap breakfasts here.

Address: 34 Le Hong Phong, Hue city

Reference price: 8,000 VND – 10,000 VND

Business hours: 05:00 – 10:15

Ms. Oanh’s restaurant is also an address that many Hue people visit for breakfast every day. The shop is near the city center so getting here is very convenient. The restaurant sells vegetarian noodles but the flavor is still very rich so it is loved by many people. The restaurant space is spacious, clean, tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and the owner is enthusiastic and friendly, making it even more popular with diners.

There are two types of vermicelli sold here: mixed vermicelli and water vermicelli. Mixed vermicelli is eaten with figs and rice paper, along with the shop’s homemade soy sauce, so the flavor is very satisfying. Each bowl like this only costs from 8,000 VND, too cheap, right? In addition, diners can also change things up with a bowl of noodle soup, add some dried bamboo shoots and make the beans even more delicious. So stopping by Ms. Oanh’s restaurant will definitely give you a satisfying breakfast.

Address: 104 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Phu Hiep, Hue City.

Reference price: 7,000 VND – 15,000 VND

Business hours: 06:00 – 10:00

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O Hanh restaurant is simple and long-standing

O Hanh Restaurant is located right next to Gia Hoi High School. The restaurant sells many breakfast dishes, including banh canh, banh loc, sticky rice and mixed vermicelli. The shop sells mainly to students so the price is very reasonable, only 7,000 for a portion of mixed vermicelli with full toppings. The shop has a small, ordinary space, but the shop owner is very enthusiastic and friendly. So this is the breakfast restaurant that Vietnamtravelio would like to suggest for you to visit.

Above is information about Hue’s mixed vermicelli dish and delicious places to eat mixed vermicelli for tourists. Vietnamtravelio wishes you will fully enjoy the delicious dishes of Hue during your stay here.