Address: 74/14 Truong Quoc Dung, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan District

Business hours: every day of the week, from 08:00 to 22:00

Contact phone number: 076 896 05 41

Reference price: 60,000 – 90,000 VND/dish

Having just joined the ‘race’ of coffee shops in Saigon not long ago, Daeshim Coffee has quickly asserted its own position in everyone’s hearts. Stretching across two floors are beautiful corners designed in Korean style, from classic to modern, ready to please the tastes of anyone who visits.

With a spacious, airy space and an attractive drink menu, delicious recipes, suitable for taste and eye-catching decoration, Daeshim Coffee has become a familiar stop for both locals and tourists.

The shop is located on Truong Quoc Dung street, a main street in Phu Nhuan district, so you can easily get there by taxi, motorbike, car, or Grab. Coming to Truong Quoc Dung street, look for alley 14 on the right, turn in and you will immediately see Daeshim Coffee.

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Daeshim Coffee quickly asserted its own position in everyone’s hearts with beautiful corners designed in Korean style.

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Right from the entrance area, it is the perfect backdrop for you to take beautiful photos

Inspired by the Korean style that often appears in movies, Daeshim Coffee truly recreates the culture of this country with an impressive old house with dark tile roofs.

From the first moment you arrive at the restaurant, you will certainly be fascinated by the image of an old house with an ash-gray tile roof, an earthy orange-toned wooden door with a typical square design of the land of kimchi.

Meanwhile, the second floor of Daeshim Coffee is like a completely opposite picture, no longer classic, replaced by modern lines. The 2nd floor at the shop is designed in a modern style, featuring a unique subway door, with the main color tone of gray and white.

The shop has cleverly displayed figurative paintings throughout the 2nd floor space, turning this place into a great photo corner. Every time you lift your camera up, you’ll get beautiful photos. Tables, chairs, and decorative items such as lamps are also focused on by Daeshim Coffee, demonstrating sophistication and top aesthetic taste in every smallest detail.

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From the first moment you arrive at the restaurant, you will certainly be fascinated by the image of an old house with an ash-gray tile roof and earthy orange-toned wooden doors.

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The shop has two areas: indoor and outdoor, with a rather special hallway-style design

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The second floor of Daeshim Coffee is like a completely opposite picture, no longer classic, replaced by modern lines.

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The second floor is designed like a train station model with a unique seat design

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The 2nd floor of the restaurant is designed in a modern style, featuring a unique subway door, with the main color tone of gray and white.

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The shop has cleverly displayed figurative paintings throughout the second floor space, turning this place into a great photo corner.

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The space at Daeshim Coffee is designed in an impressive minimalist style

If you want to relax on the weekends, or ‘change the mood’ on holidays, or simply find a place to gather with friends, Daeshim Coffee couldn’t be a more suitable place.

With a bold Korean space in every little corner, Daeshim Coffee promises to be the perfect backdrop for you to take a series of amazing check-in photos. You don’t need to pose too much, or choose to calibrate every angle, just stand anywhere at Daeshim Coffee and Vietnamtravelio believes you can get beautiful photos.

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With a Korean-style space in every little corner, Daeshim Coffee promises to be the perfect backdrop for you to take a series of amazing check-in photos.

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The area outside the yard, especially right at the wooden gate, is a familiar check-in location for many people when coming to Daeshim Coffee.

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Daeshim Coffee also regularly changes its decoration according to the season, creating a new feeling for anyone who visits

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Surely when you come to Daeshim Coffee, every corner you stand in will have beautiful photos to take home

Daeshim Coffee menu is highly appreciated by diners for its diversity, able to meet the requirements of all customers. The outstanding dishes that are considered ‘key’ dishes at Daeshim Coffee include coffee, fruit drinks (fruit tea, juice, smoothies) and sweet cups of fresh ice cream.

Besides, if you want a little sweetness on a sunny Saigon day, a cup of yogurt, or crushed ice with milk cream and fresh cream will be the perfect choice. Every glass of water at Daeshim Coffee is beautifully decorated, even if you haven’t enjoyed it yet, it still feels delicious and attractive.

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The outstanding dishes that are considered ‘key’ dishes at Daeshim Coffee include coffee, fruit drinks (fruit tea, juice, smoothies) and cups of fresh ice cream.

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Each drink at Daeshim Coffee encapsulates the enthusiasm of the barista

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The cups of water at Daeshim are highly appreciated for their taste

If you want to find a place to ‘change the mood’ in beautiful Saigon, then Daeshim Coffee nestled peacefully in a small alley on Truong Quoc Dung street will be the perfect suggestion. Coming here, you will have the feeling that you are traveling to the land of kimchi with great photography angles and delicious cups of water to enjoy. If you have the opportunity to visit the restaurant, don’t forget to share your wonderful experiences with Vietnamtravelio.