Trieu Tay duck meat is famous for being a grass duck breed raised in fields in the Trieu Tay region. Because it is a small duck breed that is not too fat, Trieu Tay duck meat is firm, not too fatty, and very delicious. The skin is golden and chewy, chewy and crispy, making it a very “roll cake”. Trieu Tay duck dish is eaten very simply, usually only consisting of boiled duck meat dipped in ginger fish sauce and blood porridge cooked with duck broth. Even though it’s simple, the flavor is “no joke”! It is guaranteed to be delicious and completely different from the previous duck varieties you have eaten.

If you're a brave duck killer coming to Hue, don't miss the number 2 delicious Trieu Tay duck

Duck meat after being cleaned

A delicious plate of Trieu Tay duck meat is a plate of meat that is boiled just right, neither too soft nor too tough. The firm layer of meat sticks to the skin, underneath there is only a thin layer of fat, or even no fat. Surely the Western Trieu duck also has a different name, “Gymer Duck”. The meat smells pleasant, not fishy. The bones are small, soft and sweet. Do you know why it is called Trieu Tay duck? Actually, the reason is not big at all, just because ducks are raised and shops selling duck meat are also scattered around the Trieu Tay bridge area in An Hoa Ward (Hue City). Even though it’s just small on the side of the road and looks quite “dumpy”, the pervasive aroma makes passersby feel hungry and sometimes have to “turn around” to eat a full meal!

If you're a brave duck hunter coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 3

Trieu Tay duck meat is famous for its delicious taste

Today, let Vietnamtravelio open a competition between chicken and duck meat to see which dish will have more nutrition! If chicken meat contains 199 kcalories, including 20.3 g protein, 4.3 g fat and many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health, then 100g of duck meat has 267 kcalories, including 7.3 g protein. fat, 17.8 g protein, 76 mg cholesterol, vitamins and fats. In Oriental medicine, duck meat is considered a tonic to regulate the five internal organs, hydrate, eliminate heat, and nourish damage. Because duck meat has cold properties, it is used as a cooling and detoxifying food. Duck meat is rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B1, D… which is beneficial for skinny people who want to gain weight.

If you come to Hue to kill ducks, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 4

Although not as popular as chicken, duck meat is more nutritious

Even though ducks are raised all year round, that doesn’t mean eating duck meat in every season is equally delicious! According to the experience passed down from our grandparents, duck meat when eaten in season is much tastier. At this time, the duck will be the sweetest, meatiest and fattiest. The ideal time to buy duck meat is in the summer from June to September. In addition, to buy delicious duck meat, you also need to know how to choose. Here are a few things to note when choosing duck meat to have a duck dish that is both nutritious and safe for your family and yourself.

When the duck is alive and healthy, with quick eyes and smooth feathers is the most appropriate time. You should also pay attention to the duck’s breasts. If the duck is round and plump, the meat will be thick, sweet and soft.

Avoid buying pre-cooked duck meat because summer is often hot and humid, so pre-processed duck meat will spoil faster. In addition, there are many sellers who inject medicine and brew medicine to keep the meat fresh longer for immediate benefits. Eating it will not be safe for your health.

You should also look at the feathers when choosing duck meat. If the feathers covering the duck’s body are soft and smooth and the wing feathers are long enough, the wing feathers are crisscrossed at the tail and when you flip the duck’s wings you see feathers, then it is a good duck and you should buy it.

Avoid choosing ducks with ruffled feathers or short feathers because they are molting or young and will not be delicious to eat.

If you're a brave duck hunter coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 5

Trieu Tay ducks have pure white feathers

Duck porridge with ginger and dill sauce is a dish that is very familiar to all Vietnamese people, right? The plate of boiled duck meat is hot, just cooked so it retains its characteristic sweetness, the skin is chewy and soft, dipped in a cup of deliciously fragrant ginger and chili fish sauce. The blood porridge “takes advantage” of duck broth, cooked with fragrant copper rice, so the sweet flavor is very pleasant. Blood bites into it and is chewy, soft, and chews a spoonful of hot porridge and inhales it continuously. Spicy fish sauce numbs the tongue, eating it with hot porridge is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but many people become addicted to this feeling of inhaling it! Especially on rainy days, the air is chilly.

If you're a brave duck hunter coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 6

Trieu Tay duck cooked in porridge with ginger fish sauce is truly a masterpiece

See more: Chuon village’s orca pancakes – Strange pancakes with whole fish?

This dish has an extremely striking color – attractive yellow-red color from the mixture of cashew, chao and duck meat. Besides that, there is the fatty taste of coconut water, the sweetness of fresh milk mixed with the aroma of ginger, lemongrass, and the fleshy taste of fried taro. You can eat it hot and dip in vegetables cooked on a mini gas stove like eating hot pot. Suggested side dishes: lettuce, water spinach, mustard greens go well with duck cooked in porridge.

If you're a brave duck killer coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 7

The duck cooked with spicy and spicy chao mixed with the flavors of the chao and taro is very delicious. Photo: Vanh Chuyen Le

Address: 258 Ly Thai To, Hue city

Opening hours: 09:00 – 21:00

Price: 20k – 90k

This restaurant has been present for a long time in Hue and is very popular with local people because of its affordable price and delicious taste. The restaurant serves boiled duck served with hot blood porridge, which is super delicious! In addition, if you buy a whole salad, you can tell in your heart that the salad bar is sweet and sour and extremely delicious! A whole duck would probably take about 3-4 people to eat and it’s only 140k. The restaurant has a big disadvantage: because of the corrugated iron roof, it will be extremely hot at noon. If you go inside and “whip” a bowl of hot porridge, you will easily get heat stroke.

If you're a brave duck hunter coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 8

The meat is consumed throughout the day, so you don’t have to worry about eating old duck meat

Address: 189 Ly Thai To, Hue city

Opening hours: 08:00 – 22:00

Price: 30k – 200k

Besides the restaurant above, Hung Ha restaurant is also a place visited by many tourists. Vietnamtravelio found that this place also sells many delicious dishes made from duck. Boiled duck meat is just right, soft, firm, chewy and extremely delicious. Because it is clean, it doesn’t smell fishy at all. Blood porridge is also very fragrant and sweet, add a spoonful of ginger fish sauce to eat and make it delicious. Everyone should stop by and try it! The minus point of both shops is that they are in the North, quite far from the city center, so sometimes they can be a bit “lazy”.

If you're a brave duck hunter coming to Hue, don't miss the delicious Trieu Tay duck number 9

The sumptuous meal is extremely affordable

The 3-region culinary program introducing Vietnamtravelio’s Trieu Tay duck dish has come to an end. Hopefully this article has given you a profound “inspiration” to immediately fly to Hue and enjoy delicious dishes. In addition, Vietnamtravelio also has many other delicious Hue dishes are waiting for you like snakehead fish soup or Hue Nam Cake which are also very delicious. v