Referring to the Ancient Capital, people often remember entertainment places in Hue such as the Perfume River winding like a silk ribbon, changing color according to the years, or the poetic Ngu Mountain and the Ancient Capital with many stories and deeply tinged with the colors of the past. time, history. People come to Hue because they love the ancient beauty and the lyrical folk songs that touch people’s hearts. Among them, Hue Am Phu rice must be mentioned – a dish that has contributed to bringing the hidden cuisine of the Ancient Capital to not only the Vietnamese people but also the whole world.

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Colorful rice dish of vegetables, fruits and meat

“Want to eat a lyrical plate of rice,

There’s a ghostly Am Phu shop lurking behind.”

This dish is so famous that it entered the poetry of the Central region, despite its somewhat scary name. Am Phu Rice is a dish made from many different ingredients, from vegetables, tubers, meat, eggs to tender, fragrant white rice. This dish does not distinguish between rich and wealthy, it is very popular and familiar. That’s why tourists from near and far love to come here to enjoy. Maybe at first people came to Am Phu rice because of curiosity, not knowing what the dish would be like with such a strange name. As soon as they try it, they become “addicted” because of the harmonious combination of many ingredients creating a diverse and rich flavor that is no less attractive.

Hue cuisine is diverse and attracts so many tourists not only because of the luxurious, elaborately prepared dishes imbued with Hue royal style such as lotus sweet soup and steamed rice with lotus leaves, but also the dishes Popular dishes cost only a few thousand dong such as mussel rice, turmeric vermicelli, cakes… Among them, there is also the presence of Am Phu Rice. So where does this rice dish have such a strange and somewhat scary name? Let’s find out with Vietnamtravelio!

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Hue’s underworld rice dish is very popular with many people. Photo: TasteShare

The first legend tells that during the reign of the Nguyen Dynasty, when the king went out in disguise to see how people lived, he suddenly felt hungry on the way. The king stopped by an old woman’s house to ask for a meal and was warmly welcomed by the old woman. Even though the house doesn’t have much, she still tries to welcome guests properly. She took out everyday dishes such as meat, eggs, carrots, cucumbers, and vegetables, cut them into strips, and arranged them around a round plate. In the middle is a portion of hot white rice.

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Not only present in Hue, this rice dish has “spread” throughout the country

The king sat in the house, surrounded by only dark grasslands with only flickering oil lamps in the middle of the house, so he felt creepy. However, because he was tired after a day of traveling and very hungry, the king did not care anymore and quickly ate the entire plate of rice. After finishing eating, the king immediately ordered that rice dish as “Nam Phu rice” because I remember the ghostly surroundings when having a meal. However, because he always remembered the ancient flavors, the king often let the chef re-cook that dish, so Am Phu rice has been passed down to this day. According to Vietnamtravelio, the story still has many unreasonable details, so it is somewhat unreliable. So let’s listen to the second story!

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Full HD close-up without covering Am Phu Hue rice dish. It looks so delicious

The second story says that the Hue Hades rice dish was actually invented by a businessman living in the early 19th century. The name also originates from the “address” of the restaurant, which is usually located in remote areas with few passersby, often open until late at night to serve diners who are often people who go to the opera, festivals, songs, etc. dance… came home late. Inside the shop, only a dimly burning oil lamp is used, combined with the pitch-black scene around, making it somewhat creepy. The shop only sells one dish: white rice mixed with lean meat and vegetables such as carrots and shredded cucumbers, served with a popular dipping sauce. The dish has just that, but it creates a harmony of color and flavor, making everyone passionate. Instead of calling it five-color rice because it includes 5 colors: white, blue, yellow, red, black, people have a more uplifting and unique association. From then on, the name Rice Hades was born. Later on, Am Phu rice became more and more popular, from then on it was “modified”, adding more ingredients and spices to become the attractive dish it is today.

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Each place will have different processing methods and ingredients

At first glance, do you think that Am Phu Rice is similar to any other dish? Vietnamtravelio immediately remembers the Korean mixed rice dish – Bibimbap. Coming to the ingredients, tada, there are a lot of similarities! So “learn 1 and get 2”. I know how to make Am Phu rice and also know how to make Korean mixed rice. So what are you waiting for?

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Cut the ingredients into small pieces, stir-fry the carrots until cooked

You need to prepare: carrots, cucumbers, boiled pork, Hue pork rolls, fried eggs… If you like to eat anything, just put it in, sausages, sausages, beef, boiled vegetables of all kinds. The most important thing that makes this dish “delicious” is the rice. The rice must be sticky and fragrant for Am Phu rice to have a full flavor.

First, prepare the ingredients. Wash the vegetables and peel them thoroughly. Carrots and cucumbers are cut into bite-sized strips of moderate length. Dishes that do not need to be processed, such as sausages and sausages, just need to be cut into strips and set aside.

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Let’s cut it into strips like this

Next, is fried eggs. You use duck eggs, preferably copper duck eggs for a fatty taste, beat them and make them fluffy. You can add a little salt, but don’t add anything else because it can mix up the taste of the dish. Note, do not season the eggs to taste, just season lightly, because you will eat it with the sauce later. Fry until the eggs are cooked evenly, then cut into bite-sized strips like the other ingredients.

The point that makes this dish special is the shrimp floss. Steam the shrimp until cooked, peel and take the shrimp meat and pound it to loosen the meat. Then put it in a non-stick pan, roast it evenly until it’s dry and you’ll have a delicious piece of shrimp floss.

Finally, the dipping sauce. Usually people will eat it with garlic and chili fish sauce. You take the chili and crush it with sugar, a little seasoning, then add fish sauce. Stir until dissolved, then add a little filtered water and a little lemon juice. Season to taste and you will have a delicious sauce for your dish.

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The bowl of garlic and chili fish sauce makes your mouth water, right?

Now, you just need to arrange it on a plate. Put the rice in the middle and arrange the prepared ingredients around it neatly. Take a photo to prove “home economics” and then “get down to business”. Guaranteed to be delicious!

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Am Phu rice plate stands out on the dining table

So Vietnamtravelio has introduced to you Hue Am Phu Rice, a feature you must definitely experience when coming to the Ancient Capital. Because of their popularity, some shops also have many mixed opinions, so please research carefully! In addition, Vietnamtravelio also has many other delicious Hue dishes are waiting for you like snakehead fish soup or Hue Nam Cake which are also very delicious.