West Lake shrimp cakes began to be popular in Hanoi since the 30s of the 21st century. At that time, along Thanh Nien Street running between Truc Bach Lake and West Lake, there were many street vendors gathered. With just simple ingredients, this cake has captured the hearts of many Hanoi food lovers. Many Southern tourists when going to Hanoi have fallen in love with West Lake shrimp cakes because of the sour, sweet taste from the fish sauce, the crunchiness from the fried dough and the sweet taste of ground shrimp meat.

West Lake shrimp cake is a timeless dish, meaning it has not changed much in the way it is made or eaten even though times have changed. The cake is made with shrimp caught from West Lake with thin shell, firm meat, and sweet and fatty taste.

The dough is deep-fried so it has a rich, sweet and greasy taste and is served with raw vegetables dipped in spicy and sour fish sauce. Shrimp cakes are best when eaten while still hot, the shrimp shells and dough are crispy, the shrimp meat is sweet and the dipping sauce harmonizes the flavors.

See more: Trang Tien Hue Bread – Encapsulating the flavors of the ancient capital that makes many people almost want to stop

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With just simple ingredients, West Lake shrimp cakes have captured the hearts of many Hanoi food lovers. Photo: @TrungBuii

In the past, shrimp cakes were sold on street vendors along Co Ngu street (now called Thanh Nien street). I don’t know when this delicacy has become an expensive dish that every visitor to this place wants to taste once.

If you want to enjoy delicious Hanoi dishes, you must immediately think of West Lake shrimp cakes. Because for local people, West Lake shrimp cake is not only a dish but it also reminds of many previous family memories. There is no more wonderful afternoon while enjoying hot, crispy, sweet-smelling shrimp cakes and watching the peaceful, calm water of West Lake.

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West Lake shrimp cake is not only a dish but it also reminds many family memories of old Hanoi. Photo: @bachuaviahe

Nowadays, according to the needs and preferences of many people, West Lake shrimp cake is not only a specialty of Hanoi but is present in many places. But no matter where you go, the food still carries the aftertaste of a land with many winds and dew and old memories remaining in it.

The ingredients for making shrimp cakes are not too complicated with only 3 main ingredients: shrimp, flour and eggs. Instead of grinding shrimp into paste like fish cakes, this cake uses whole shrimp, marinated in spices for about 15-20 minutes to absorb. The shrimp are then dipped in flour mixed with eggs and placed in a pan to fry in oil until evenly browned. When scooping the cake batter into the pan, remember to place the shrimp carefully. After frying, shrimp cakes will be very fragrant, beautiful golden and crispy.

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The ingredients for making shrimp cakes are not too complicated with only 3 main ingredients: shrimp, flour and eggs. Photo: @phuonganh.uni

West Lake shrimp cakes are made from golden fried dough, and when you take a bite, you will feel crispy and melt in your mouth. The shrimp is not too big but is very sweet and firm. Eating shrimp cakes is indispensable with a bowl of sweet and sour dipping sauce along with pickled fruits and vegetables served with mouth-watering raw vegetables. Nowadays, many restaurants also add a little shredded potato to this cake to increase the crispiness of the cake.

Ho Tay shrimp cakes are best eaten when they have just been taken out of the pan to drain the fat, then cut immediately onto a plate. Shrimp cakes are sold all year round, but early winter and Lunar New Year are the most crowded. This is a dish that everyone who comes here wants to try at least once because of its delicious flavor that pleases many diners and the price is extremely affordable.

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Ho Tay shrimp cakes are best eaten when they have just been taken out of the pan, drained of fat and then cut immediately onto a plate

“Go to Phu Tay Ho to eat shrimp cakes” is a catchphrase that has entered the subconscious of many generations. Proof of the appeal and popularity of this snack. From Quang An road leading to Phu Tay Ho, shrimp cake stalls display shrimp cake stalls close together. Tourists from far away who come to this place where culinary elites converge must admire and praise the image of shelves containing shrimp cakes, neatly stacked, stacked high and extremely attractive.

Perhaps the most famous that no one knows is the West Lake shrimp cake restaurant opposite the sacred Tran Quoc Pagoda. The shrimp cakes here are pre-fried and lined up on the cake rack, but customers have never eaten the cooled cakes. Every day the restaurant welcomes a large number of customers, especially foreigners.

Address: No. 1 Thanh Nien, Yen Phu, Tay Ho, Hanoi

Opening hours: 09:00 – 21:00

Phone: 024 3829 3737 – 3823 8194

Contact email: [email protected]

Reference price: 80,000 VND – 130,000 VND

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From Quang An road leading to Phu Tay Ho, shrimp cake stalls display shrimp cake stalls close together. Photo: Vanhoavietnam.net

With a super beautiful view, spacious and airy space and located right next to windy West Lake, it can be said that this is a great place to enjoy fine dining. Besides shrimp cakes, the restaurant also does not forget to serve many other dishes from appetizers with soup, spring rolls and many main dishes with shrimp cakes, lobster, crab, crab, hot pot, porridge, rice, noodles. ..

With less than 100,000 VND in hand, you can comfortably enjoy delicious, authentic cakes. In addition to delicious cakes, the happiness and enthusiasm of the staff here also win the hearts of diners.

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Ho Tay shrimp cake restaurant has spacious space, super beautiful view, located right next to windy West Lake. Photo: @Fuongsfood

Not only in West Lake can there be delicious shrimp cakes, Co Am shrimp cake shop is proof of that saying. Completely different from the style of restaurants with beautiful views that thousands of people love, Co Am shrimp cake shop is quite cramped in a small corner of Dong Xuan market, but it is this cramped feeling that brings a very simple feeling to children. ancient town.

The most delicious and unique thing at Ms. Am’s restaurant is the cake dough. Not simply fried from flour and tapioca starch like other shrimp shops, the dough here is very meticulously made by Ms. Am. The flour is ground until smooth, mixed with water to a moderate consistency, mixed with shredded sweet potatoes and a little corn. The crust when fried until golden brown will not be too dry, has a crispy bite in the mouth but is sweet and rich without being greasy.

Address: Dong Xuan Alley, Hang Chieu, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi

Opening hours: 14:30 – 17:00

Phone: 0987 918 465

Reference price: 10,000 VND – 50,000 VND

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Enjoying Co Am shrimp cakes brings a very simple feeling of ancient Hanoi streets

Above are a few small, fresh shrimp with their shells intact, sweet and firm to the taste. Roll a golden brown shrimp cake, curling red shrimp with raw vegetables, cilantro, and dip into a bowl of sweet and sour dipping sauce with crunchy kohlrabi.

Shrimp cakes are fried no matter how long they are fried, the new cakes are hot and golden, making many people come here every day. Not only is it an irresistibly delicious snack, this snack also touches the hearts of diners because of the simplicity of street food that makes many people fall in love.

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West Lake shrimp cakes have the rustic, simple flavor of old Hanoi

The land of thousands of years of civilization, Hanoi has long been famous not only for its scenic monuments but also for being the place to preserve thousands of rustic dishes for generations. On cold days, in the midst of the misty atmosphere of West Lake, it is wonderful to enjoy hot shrimp cakes. Don’t forget to explore Hanoi’s culinary paradise with many other delicious dishes such as Hanoi rice cake and La Vong fish cake!