Referring to Doi Can cuisine, it is impossible not to mention the famous delicious banh xeo. Just walking around this area, it is not difficult to see many shops selling banh xeo – spring rolls bustling with people. So among them, which is the best Doi Can pancake restaurant? Join Vietnamtravelio to find the 6 best restaurants in the following article!

Address: 166B Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Price range: 5,000 VND/spring rolls, 10,000 VND/pancakes

Among the famous banh xeo shops in Doi Can, Thuy Xeo is the oldest and always crowded every afternoon or evening. This Doi Can banh xeo restaurant has indoor and sidewalk space, and many service staff, so even if it’s crowded, you won’t have to wait long.

Banh xeo at Thuy Xeo restaurant is loved by diners because of its thin, springy outer crust, and when eaten, it is not greasy. Banh Xeo has only one filling: minced pork combined with shrimp. In addition to banh xeo, you should also try spring rolls and tapioca cakes here for the most complete experience!

Let's go find the 6 most delicious and famous Doi Can banh xeo shops! 2

Thuy Xeo is one of the Doi Can banh xeo shops most sought after by diners on the street

Let's go find the 6 most delicious and famous Doi Can banh xeo shops! 3

Banh xeo here is loved because of its crispy exterior, little oil absorption, and is super delicious when eaten with spring rolls (Photo source: Duong Cao)

Address: 153D Doi Can, Ba Dinh

Price range: 5,000 VND/spring rolls, 10,000 VND/pancakes

If you are passionate about Doi Can pancakes, you cannot help but know about Loan Beo restaurant at 157D Doi Can. Like other restaurants in the area, Loan Beo also has many familiar dishes such as banh xeo, spring rolls, fried spring rolls, and fried potatoes. The restaurant has both spacious indoor and outdoor space on the sidewalk, but it gets a bit crowded at night.

Loan Beo pancakes have a thin, crispy crust so they are less greasy when eaten. The plate of fresh, clean and plump vegetable rolls is a prominent plus point here. The restaurant also serves pho noodles to make it more delicious with banh xeo. In addition, spring rolls are also a favorite dish of many diners at Loan Beo restaurant. Nem is made with a mound of meat and moderately seasoned spices. When eaten with banh xeo, the flavor will be even more fragrant.

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The thin, crispy crust is the highlight at Loan Beo banh xeo shop

Address: 125 Doi Can, Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Price range: 6,000 VND/spring rolls, 12,000 VND/pancakes

If you are wondering about finding a place that sells delicious Doi Can pancakes, Ngoc Duong restaurant at number 125 is the right choice. Banh xeo here is fried in a large oil pan, so the finished product is quite large. If you see banh xeo at Ngoc Duong restaurant for the first time, you will be quite surprised because the filling is full of meat inside. The plus point of the restaurant is the moderate sweet and sour fish sauce, served with fresh raw vegetables.

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Banh xeo at Ngoc Duong restaurant is large in size with a filling filling inside

Address: 167 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Price range: 6,000 VND/spring rolls, 12,000 VND/pancakes

Nestled deep in alley 167 Doi Can (near Dai Yen primary school), Tu Xeo spring roll banh xeo restaurant is highly appreciated and comes to enjoy. The highlight of this Banh Xeo Doi Can restaurant is that there are many accompanying snacks such as mixed vermicelli, fried potatoes, fried spring rolls,… giving everyone a variety of options.

The banh xeo here is quite large in size, filled with filling and a crispy crust. When eating, diners will eat it with a variety of fresh vegetables and extremely sweet and sour fish sauce. Note, when coming to enjoy banh xeo here, you must park your car at Dai Yen school for about 5,000 VND.

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Tu Xeo Restaurant 167 Doi Can is nestled in a small alley but is still known and frequented by many diners.

Address: 153A Doi Can, Ngoc Ho, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Price range: 5,000 VND/spring rolls, 10,000 VND/pancakes

Another famous Doi Can banh xeo restaurant that you cannot miss is Delicious Family Restaurant 153A. The restaurant is loved by many customers because the staff are family members. Even though they were a bit old, they accepted very quickly and warmly. This is one of the Doi Can banh xeo shops that Vietnamtravelio believes you should not miss when you have the opportunity to travel to Hanoi.

The restaurant’s banh xeo only costs about 10,000 VND/piece but is full of meat and shrimp inside. The small minus point is that the outer shell is a bit oily, making you easily feel sick. In return, the spring rolls are prepared extremely attractively, fresh and delicious. The raw vegetables served are thoroughly washed, fresh and diverse.

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Delicious restaurant family 153A is one of the “bright” addresses for you to enjoy Doi Can pancakes (Photo source: @imcunn)

Address: 129 Doi Can, Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Price range: 6,000 VND/spring rolls, 12,000 VND/pancakes

Although not as crowded with people as other restaurants, Banh Xeo Doi Can Nhat Minh is still the ideal address for you thanks to its quick and enthusiastic service. The cakes here are medium sized, crispy and not too greasy to eat. The filling inside includes a variety of minced meat, bean sprouts and shrimp.

In addition to banh xeo, the restaurant also has spring rolls and sausages that are extremely mouth-watering. All dishes are served with raw vegetables, cucumbers, green bananas, mangoes, etc., making the meal more rich and less filling.

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Banh xeo at Nhat Minh restaurant is loved because of its moderate size, golden crust and full filling (Photo source: Chanh Chanh _food)

When mentioning delicious banh xeo shops in Hanoi, it is impossible not to mention Doi Can street. Among the Doi Can banh xeo shops compiled above by Vietnamtravelio, have you found any addresses that you like? If you have any other “favorite shops”, don’t forget to share them in Vietnamtravelio’s Travel Guide section for everyone to know!