Store address: Quan Ganh street, Nhi Khe, Thuong Tin, Hanoi

Craft village address: Thuong Dinh village, Nhi Khe, Thuong Tin, Hanoi

Phone: 0969.1221.69

Quan Ganh Day Cake has become a symbol of delicious and traditional flavor. Passersby not only stop to enjoy but also buy them as gifts for loved ones such as grandparents, parents, or to give to children. In particular, in traditional rituals such as the full moon day, burning incense with day cake also becomes popular.

Since the reform period, when the country entered the development stage, people’s lives have improved significantly. In particular, in Thuong Dinh village, people constantly create thick cakes to meet the needs of festivals, long trips and especially “marriage” parties – a time when the number of Orders are increasing day by day to serve customs.

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The dong leaf wrapping the cake is green with the beautiful words “two joys”.

“Banh Day Quan Ganh” is considered a very rustic, elegant dish with a long and profound historical significance, often mentioned in the culinary culture of Vietnamese people.

Originating from Thuong Dinh village, hometown of national hero Nguyen Trai, Quan Ganh banh day is the crystallization of the diligence, intelligence and ingenuity of the people here. They have transformed familiar ingredients such as sticky rice, green beans, and green dong leaves into quintessential gifts, imbued with Vietnamese cultural identity.

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Temple worshiping general Nguyen Trai in Thuong Dinh village

More than 2,000 years ago, Lang Lieu day cake was offered to his father, and has since passed down and become a symbol of prosperity and luck. Inheriting the tradition of “Drinking water, remember the source”, in 2002, on the death anniversary of King Hung, Thuong Dinh people created a giant banh day weighing 180kg, 1.8m in diameter and a banh chung weighing 18kg. This is a testament to the respect and devotion of the people here towards their ancestors. By 18 elderly people, on behalf of the villagers, they came to offer ceremonies at the Temple of the Hung Kings (Phu Tho).

Many people may not know, but Ganh restaurant is the birthplace, giving birth to the famous Hanoi Quan Ganh day cake until now and is known by many people. You just need to go along Highway 1 to the gateway to Hanoi, and you can easily see hundreds of thatched shops selling this cake. This is also the place that sells banh day the most and is also the place where this delicious Hanoi dish first appeared.

Quan Ganh’s banh day is not only a dish, but also a symbol of homeland culture and tradition, attracting tourists to stop to enjoy and bring back as gifts for relatives. Since the early years of the renovation period, the cultural and culinary life of Hanoi people has increasingly developed. In Thuong Dinh village, banh day is not only a daily dish but also becomes a highlight in festivals, tourism and weddings.

The typical flavor of Hanoi banh day is the perfect combination of delicious sticky rice, bean paste, pork and pepper, creating a culinary experience full of hometown flavors. Although not a lavish dish, banh day is imbued with the rustic and profound spirit of the North.

With a long history and profound cultural value, banh day is not only a gift from farmers but also an indispensable part in the list of typical gifts of Hanoi.

Quan Ganh Day cake filling has three types including sweet, salty and vegetarian to meet the needs and preferences of customers.

– Sweet day cake: is a wonderful blend of the sweetness of sugar along with the sweetness of coconut fibers, green beans, lotus seeds, sesame…

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The crust is extremely smooth and deliciously pure white

– Salty banh day: is a type of cake with a salty filling, with a bit of the fatty taste of the fat filling mixed with the greasy taste of coconut fiber, pork belly with the flavor of eggplant, onion…

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The shape of the cake is molded and shaped very evenly by the artisans

– Vegetarian banh day: is a type of cake without filling, often eaten with cinnamon rolls or sugar sweet soup and is also a type of cake that Vietnamtravelio Travel Guide highly recommends that you must definitely enjoy once. When enjoying a piece of vegetarian rice cake, the more you chew it, the more flexible it will become and you will feel the sweetness and faint aroma of country sticky rice…

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Thick slices of cake are sandwiched with thickly cut pork sausage

To create delicious and special banh day, Thuong Dinh villagers follow a careful and strict baking process from choosing sticky rice until completing the product. The main ingredients for making the cake are sticky rice with yellow flowers, tangerine sticky rice, yellow green beans and Ca Cuong flavor. All of the above ingredients are produced in the homeland.

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Sticky rice seeds are used to make thick cakes while they are still in bloom

Sticky rice for making cakes is rice with high elasticity and a very fragrant smell. Before making cakes, the rice is selected very carefully, the rice grains must be even, not mixed, not white, not mixed with grit… The rice must be pounded thoroughly, white, after pounding, the bran must be cleaned and all soot removed. husk. When scooped into your hands, the rice grains are shiny and have a faint fragrance.

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Sticky rice seeds are always carefully selected and flat seeds are removed

The rice is washed, rinsed 2-4 times with water and decanted of all impurities, then soaked in cold water for about 2-3 hours. Then it is treated to remove all the soaking water and let it drain before putting it in the steamer to make sticky rice. When the sticky rice is almost done, sprinkle a little warm water to help the sticky rice cook evenly and smoothly (the quality of the cake is determined at this stage). When the sticky rice smells delicious, pour it into a mortar or sedge sail spread on the tile floor, then quickly use a pestle or hot pound. When the sticky rice is pounded to a smooth consistency, it blends together into a thick, white, sticky mass.

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All processing steps are done by hand with rudimentary tools

The worker uses clean hands to squeeze into small, even pieces and flatten the crust evenly, then puts the filling in and seals it… To make the cake round and round, the worker must gently squeeze the cake. The cake is a bit flat. There is a saying in the craft village: “roll into a ball and then crush it”.

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The baking and shaping stages are all done by hand

The final step that Vietnamtravelio would like to introduce to you is wrapping the cake, folding the cake into 5 or 6 pieces with fresh dong leaves, labeling and tying each red-dyed package.

Quan Ganh day cake is a rustic Hanoi gift with a simple appearance but the baking process requires extremely meticulousness and thoroughness. You will be surprised with the delicious flexibility when enjoying the banh day dish prepared by Quan Ganh people.

The deliciousness of banh day is determined at the stage of making sticky rice. When the sticky rice is almost done, the baker will sprinkle a sufficient amount of warm water to help the sticky rice cook evenly. Then pour it into a mortar or sedge sail spread on a clean tile floor, pound evenly so that the sticky rice is smooth, smooth and sticky. Next, the baker uses clean hands to divide the pureed glutinous rice dough into small, even handfuls. Shape, roll, and crush more than 20 times to create a cake with the right elasticity, flexibility, and toughness.

In recent years, many households have used machines to pound cakes, making the cakes more even and smooth while saving time for workers.

As the soul of Hanoi banh day, sticky rice is extremely carefully selected by the baker. The rice selected is uniformly yellow sticky rice grains, not greasy, and not mixed with grit.

Rice must be pounded thoroughly until the grains are white, then washed, washed and soaked in cold water for about 2-3 hours. When the rice is drained, it moves to the stage of making sticky rice.

Are you wondering where to buy the most authentic Quan Ganh Day cake in Hanoi? The best address is at Quan Ganh Nhi Khe street, Thuong Tin district, Hanoi. So come here to buy delicious banh day, the unmistakable flavor of Hanoi cuisine.

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Hang Ganh day cake is displayed at exhibitions and fairs

From a simple cake, Quan Ganh cake has now become a true specialty, known to many visitors from all over. Currently, it is estimated that there are about 40 households doing the craft according to artisan Truong Thi Hien. The selling price of each piece of banh giay includes 6 pieces usually ranging from 20,000 VND – 25,000 VND/piece.

Although the banh giay village has been around for hundreds of years, it still attracts customers from all over. Many families in the inner city of Hanoi still go to the village to order products for weddings or holidays. The cake is suitable for all ages because it is soft and does not stick to the teeth. Eating for a long time still doesn’t get boring. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to travel to Hanoi, try choosing Banh Giay Quan Ganh as a stopover and enjoy the cuisine!