Bac Ha is famous for its list of famous specialties such as armpit pork, stove-top buffalo meat, corn wine… Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms are also not inferior when sought by many tourists and young people. Buy them as gifts for family and friends. To find a place that produces many specialties like Bac Ha is not easy. Therefore, Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom stands out because of its high nutritional content, and is also considered a rare medicinal herb used as medicine. Local people also call Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom by a name that has a more highland color: split blade mushroom, and is only found in Bac Ha and Lao Cai.

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms are memorable because of their frugal and delicious taste that is hard to compare with any other mushroom. And for this reason, Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms are loved and hunted by many young people and tourists when they have the opportunity to visit Sapa, Bac Ha, and Lao Cai.

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom is quite easy to recognize: The mushroom has no stem, a fan-shaped cap – a mussel shell, the edge of the cap is slightly rolled inward, 1 – 3 cm in diameter, covered with a layer of fine gray-white hairs. The mushroom meat is white, the underside is a mushroom blade, when young it is white, when old it is light pink similar to the color of the meat fibers.

Currently, although Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom has been cultivated, it is still primitive and natural. Mushrooms often grow around logs that still have an outer layer, in cool, damp places such as around the house or on the edge of the forest… Summer is the most ideal time for Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms to proliferate because of their favorable hot and humid nature. beneficial for fungus to grow. When the mushrooms grow densely in clusters, they can be harvested.

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The shape of Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom is quite eye-catching and beautiful

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms are often stir-fried or cooked into soup with meat. The flavor is extremely clear, mild and sweet, recalling many memories of the Northwest for many people when enjoying it.

Because of the variety of processing methods, Vietnamtravelio tells you some ways to make dishes from Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms:

– Hotpot

– Cook bone soup

– Fried meat

– Make stew

Before using Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms for cooking, you should carefully prepare them to remove impurities from the mushrooms, ensuring food hygiene and safety. How to prepare mushrooms is also quite simple:

– Cut off the part of the mushroom base that is still attached to the wood bark

– Wash gently with clean water

– Soak in diluted mosquito water for 5 to 10 minutes, then take it out, rinse with water and drain

– Next, it can be used to prepare dishes

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Although Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom is cultivated in its infancy, the flavor of the dish is no joke

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom is considered to play an important role in medicine. Some useful uses from this mushroom include the following:

– Anti-inflammatory, rheumatism treatment, diuretic, treatment of bone and joint pain, back pain

– Anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, fever reducer, liver cooling, liver laxative, detoxification

Using Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms every day is really beneficial for the health of your beloved family members.

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Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom is quite useful for health when considered a “precious medicinal herb”.

When choosing to buy and use Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms, you must pay special attention to a few things:

– Use Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom properly, avoid using it incorrectly as it will cause more harm than benefit

– Avoid using Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms of unknown origin

– Should buy at reputable locations

– Do not use mushrooms that are wilted or moldy

– Mushrooms need to be cleaned before preparing food

– Identifying bird’s foot mushrooms is also easy because fan-shaped mushrooms are not too common

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You should choose to buy genuine Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms to be safe for your health

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms always “sell out” the fastest at the Bac Ha market, so you can understand how famous they are, right? The reference selling price of Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms ranges from 100,000 VND – 150,000 VND / kg (depending on size). Every morning, Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms are carried to the market by Mong people for sale. After that, the mushrooms are placed in baskets or displayed on the lawn. The mushrooms are not too rare so the price is quite affordable, you can buy 1 bowl for 3,000 VND / bowl.

If you don’t have time to buy at Bac Ha markets every weekend, you can search for large and reputable places selling Sapa specialties, trusted by many people. Or you can ask local people where to buy quality and authentic Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms.

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Bac Ha market is always crowded, so Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms “burn” quite quickly

Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom deserves to be a highland gift with spiritual value for your beloved family members. Don’t hesitate to buy Bac Ha bird’s foot mushrooms as gifts for loved ones or more simply as a daily dish in your meals, why? Because the effects on the body of Bac Ha bird’s foot mushroom are beyond debate. Hope you have a meaningful trip to Sapa and learn many new things about our beautiful country of Vietnam.