Yogurt is definitely a familiar dish, it is a cheap type of yogurt, sold everywhere. Eating yogurt is both good for the digestive system and a very delicious snack that many people love. Yogurt is often made from lactic fermentation of fresh cow’s milk, powdered milk or animal milk. Currently on the market there are many types of yogurt, including packaged yogurt and homemade yogurt packaged in packets and jars.

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Da Nang yogurt is handmade yogurt, the incubation and fermentation process is done by the seller himself

Salted yogurt is also a type of yogurt created by Da Nang people to become a familiar specialty for tourists coming to this city. Salted yogurt has a moderate flavor, delicious and salty, associated with many generations of Da Nang people. Each jar of cold yogurt is sweet and sour, eaten with a little sea salt, and has a very different flavor. Therefore, if you have come to the beautiful coastal city, you definitely do not miss this delicious Da Nang dish.

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Salted yogurt is similar to other types of yogurt, made from ingredients including condensed milk, yogurt, boiling water, then mixed together in appropriate proportions, divided into small jars, then incubated overnight. . To ferment yogurt quickly, keep the yogurt in a cotton blanket. The warm temperature will help the yogurt ferment quickly.

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Da Nang yogurt is sold in small jars, a rustic dish that you can buy at many sidewalk shops on every street.

When you eat salted yogurt, you will have the same feeling as when eating traditional yogurt. However, a little salty taste of sea salt will make this dish more unique and strange.

If you have never had the opportunity to eat Da Nang Salted Yogurt, you can imagine that when you eat yogurt, it will be sweet and sweet, similar to watermelon, but adding a little salt will completely change the flavor. So the experience of eating Da Nang Salted Yogurt will definitely be very interesting for tourists. This dish does not taste strange at all but is also very delicious.

Coming to Da Nang, when you want to eat delicious food, you may have to consider and choose which restaurant to eat at to have both delicious taste and affordable price. But as for salted yogurt, Vietnamtravelio will show you a whole way to enjoy this dish.

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The snack shops on Bui Thi Xuan street are always bustling with people coming in and out, enjoying salted yogurt and many other delicious dishes.

Near the central area of ​​Son Tra district, you will find Bui Thi Xuan street. Right at the corner of the street with Phan Huy Ich, you have entered culinary paradise. There are hundreds of delicious Da Nang dishes here, among which how can you lack salted Yogurt carts? The shops are close together, you can choose any one to enjoy delicious snacks.

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Foreign tourists are also very impressed and love this unique dish of Da Nang

Previously, Da Nang salted yogurt was not as popular as it is now. This dish is strange but not strong enough to compete with many other snacks to attract local people. But in recent years, as tourism has grown, the number of tourists flocking to Da Nang has also increased. This way of eating yogurt has made a strong impression on tourists, causing more and more people to come enjoy it. Thanks to that, the number of carts selling salted yogurt on Da Nang streets, especially Bui Thi Xuan street, is also increasing. This has helped the strange dish become popular, especially young people are extremely interested, just want to come to Da Nang to enjoy it once.

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Salted yogurt is sold in small jars, each jar costs 1,000 VND, surprisingly cheap, right? Normally, a person eats about 3 to 5 jars at a time to satisfy their cravings. The shop owner will bring you a jar of yogurt with a spoon and a small bowl of refined salt.

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Salted yogurt is often a dessert after a “banquet” of snacks filled with delicious dishes

At these snack shops, you can simultaneously enjoy many famous snacks of Da Nang such as mixed jackfruit, mixed mango, snail dishes… Sit with friends on the sidewalk, eat and drink while chatting. What could be better than talking about your trip and your feelings in this beautiful coastal city?

Vietnamtravelio wishes you a trip full of memories, not only admiring the beauty of this place but also enjoying lots of delicious food.