Referring to the cuisine of the ancient capital, besides famous dishes such as Hue turmeric vermicelli, Hue sour spring rolls…, banh hoi is also a unique dish that focuses on both quality and decoration. of Hue period.

Banh hoi is a special fried cake of Hue. The recipe is quite similar to Southern pancakes, but the shape is completely different. Banh hoi has a round shape in the form of a mold, made from the main ingredient which is rice flour, with filling on top. When fried, the cake is fragrant and has a golden color. When eating, it is often folded in half and placed on a pure white ceramic plate and served with raw vegetables and dipping sauce.

Regarding the name of the cake, the ancients said that this cake is made from rice flour and uses a wood stove to cook. Every time the stove turns off because the wood is wet, smoke rises, so it was named that way. Hue people’s calling often deviate from the “oi” rhyme to “oai”. That’s why the name “banh hoi” and not “smoke cake” was born from there. There are also other opinions that because this cake is so delicious, it is called “delight” in “delight”.

See more: Pressed cake – A strange dish of Hue that captivates many diners

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Banh hoi is a special fried cake of Hue that you must definitely enjoy when you visit the ancient capital. Photo: Shayneshine94

Looking at the plate of golden, hot cakes, the eater feels nauseous because of cravings. Banh hoi is often eaten with raw vegetables, rice paper, sliced ​​figs, dipped in a bowl of rich broth, it’s hard for anyone to resist. The cake is delicious when eaten hot, more suitable for dinner than lunch. Eat it once and you’ll want to eat it again. It deserves to become a specialty that any Hue tourist wants to come back to enjoy.

Decorating next to the cake plate are Hue vegetables with the acrid taste of figs and green bananas, the sour taste of star fruit, the spicy taste of chili and garlic, the aromatic taste of basil along with a little lettuce. Hue people also create sweet and sour dishes made from papaya and carrots grated into small strips and soaked in vinegar and sugar.

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Banh hoi deserves to become a specialty that any Hue tourist wants to stop by and enjoy

It’s not too difficult to make a delicious cake. However, how to make the cake delicious and crispy is important. To make cakes, the craftsman uses a small, flat-bottomed cast iron pan about 15cm in diameter and 2cm to 3cm thick. After placing the pan on the stove to heat up, add a little cooking oil and then add the water powder to the pan. The fire must be adjusted evenly for the cake to be delicious. When the crust turns yellow, it means the cake is just cooked.

The ingredients to make the cake include rice flour, shrimp, green beans, bean sprouts… The cake crust is made of rice flour mixed with water, add a little turmeric powder for color, season with salt and MSG to taste. form a thick powder mixture. The step of mixing cake flour is an extremely important step that determines the crispiness of the cake crust. Whether the cake is delicious or not depends on this step.

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Whether banh hoi is delicious or not depends on the step of mixing the dough to make the cake

Place the cast iron pan on the stove until hot, coat the pan with a tablespoon of cooking oil, then add a dollop of flour to the pan. Next, spread the filling evenly on the surface. After adding the filling, close the lid and wait about 3 minutes for the cake to cook before adding green onions. Wait until the crust is golden and browned, then take it out.

Dipping sauce is also one of the factors that determine the flavor of banh hoi. Hue people make dipping sauce for banh hoi quite elaborately. Cooked from more than 10 spices with special ingredients including pork liver and pureed lean meat along with other spices such as onions, garlic, roasted sesame, peanuts, soy sauce, shrimp paste, MSG… Dipping sauce Cook over low heat until it thickens and has a light yellow color.

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Dipping sauce is also one of the factors that determine whether the taste of banh hoi is delicious or not

In Hue, there are many places selling banh hoi. Walking around small alleys, market corners, and street stalls, you can easily find and buy this delicious Hue dish. Among them, Ms. Hanh’s delicious cake shop in Hue has successfully made thousands of people fascinated and exhausted. The shop sells many types of Hue cakes, especially banh hoi, beo, nam, loc and spring rolls. The restaurant has a convenient location near the Western Quarter, so many foreign tourists visit to enjoy Hue cuisine.

This is one of the delicious cakes that is both delicious and affordable for diners. The cakes here have a delicious flavor, typical of the shop’s family secrets. Along with the rich broth of pork liver, the fatty taste of crushed peanuts and the aroma of sesame is enough to make you fall in love right from the first bite.

Address: 11 Phu Duc Chinh, Hue City

Opening hours: 8:00 to 22:00

Reference price: 20,000 VND – 55,000 VND

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In Hue, there are many places selling banh hoi, from small alleys, market corners, street vendors to large restaurants.

Lac Thien Restaurant, also known as Thuong Tu, is located at 6 Dinh Tien Hoang Street. This is one of the oldest traditional shops in Hue. Tourists often choose to eat cakes here and then stop at Mo Ton Dich tea shop in Thuong Bac park, about a minute’s walk away.

There are many different types of cake filling here, visitors can freely order according to their preferences to avoid getting bored. If you are a student and are addicted to banh canh, invite your friends to visit this address right away. Not only is it famous for its delicious taste, but it also leaves a good impression in the hearts of visitors because of its affordable prices, suitable for a simple, rustic dish.

Address: 6 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hue city

Opening hours: 8:00-22:30

Reference price: 50,000 VND – 70,000 VND

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There are many different types of cake filling at Lac Thien restaurant, visitors can freely order according to their preferences to avoid getting bored.

A famous cake shop in Hue is Hong Mai shop located at 78 Dinh Tien Hoang. The restaurant attracts visitors because of the delicious taste of the cakes, the rich taste of the broth and the attentive service style. Hong Mai banh hoi has long become one of the favorite places to eat banh hoi in Hue for many young people.

The restaurant has quite a large and clean space, and the service staff is extremely funny and cute, so it makes a very good impression on visitors. Thanks to that, many people come here to eat out of habit because they not only love the flavor but also love the restaurant’s service attitude. Hong Mai Banh Khoai is always full of customers from opening to closing time, so if you don’t want to wait long, choosing to go early before 6pm will be extremely suitable.

Address: 78 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hue city

Opening hours: 10:00 to 22:00

Reference price: 10,000 VND – 20,000 VND

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Hong Mai banh hoi has long become one of the “favorite” places to eat banh hoi in Hue for many young people.

Banh hoi is a typical dish of Hue cuisine. If you have the opportunity to visit this romantic ancient city, don’t forget to take a few moments to fully enjoy the delicious and unique taste of this dish. Besides, Hue cuisine still has many diverse and unique dishes waiting for you to discover. Don’t forget to pocket the experience of going to Hue on your own to freely stir up the culinary paradise of the ancient capital!