Vietnam’s cuisine is famous for its richness. Each region has its own unique delicacies. If you have come to the beautiful city of Da Nang, you cannot help but enjoy the famous delicious Cao Lau dish.

Cao Lau Da Nang is a dish with light yellow noodles, made from rice flour mixed with wood ash (taken from Cham Island before grinding). Like Quang noodles, Cao Lau usually has shrimp, pork, raw vegetables and very little broth. While Quang noodle soup has a light, fragrant peanut flavor, Cao Lau has a richer flavor that makes people remember it forever.

Although often confused with Quang noodles, Cao Lau Da Nang has smaller and shorter noodles. Previously, Cao Lau was very famous in Hoi An but has now been introduced to Da Nang and become a specialty of this land. No matter where it originates, Cao Lau in the past and present still maintains the same traditional recipe, with no other variations and is unique.

Ingredients to make a bowl of Cao Lau include noodles, pork, crispy fried rice paper, a little broth and accompanying raw vegetables. When you eat, you will feel the soft and chewy noodles, the sweetness of the meat, the crunch of the rice paper and the rich broth all mixed together.

See more: Top 6 famous Hoi An Cao Lau restaurants that you must try when you come to the old town

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Cao Lau Da Nang is a delicious, cheap and typical rustic dish of Da Nang city. Photo: @nhu.nguyen_

Cao Lau Da Nang is a name with a long origin from the subconscious of the people of Quang Nam – Da Nang. In which “Cao” means delicacies. “Floor” here refers to the actual image of a high floor. In the past, delicious dishes were always served to luxurious and high-ranking people.

If you have the opportunity to enjoy Cao Lau Da Nang, you will see that this dish is decorated extremely simply. A bowl filled with strangely colored Cao Lau, thickly sliced ​​pork, and some crispy fried wontons. The broth is a gravy marinated with rich, delicious spices. Raw vegetables served with bitter herbs and young mustard greens make the flavor of the dish even more special, so you won’t get tired of eating it over and over again.

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A bowl of Cao Lau is filled with thickly sliced ​​pork and some crispy fried wontons with strange colors. Photo: Chudu24

Cao Lau Hoai Pho Da Nang is one of the addresses serving delicious Cao Lau famous and very easy to find. The restaurant’s space is designed in a nostalgic way, bringing a relaxing feeling to diners. The flavor of the restaurant’s Da Nang specialty Cao Lau is very rich, the accompanying meat is thickly sliced ​​and seasoned to taste. The combination with fried wontons and bitter vegetables is also very delicious.

This Cao Lau restaurant is famous for its Cao Lau bowl filled with noodles, meat, and vegetables to add comfort. The restaurant’s preparation is clean, the Cao Lau broth is delicious and flavorful, and the rice paper is very crispy. The restaurant space is also airy and spacious, bringing satisfaction to diners.

Address: 255 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Hai Chau, Da Nang city

Opening hours: 8:00 – 21:30

Reference price: 20,000 VND – 40,000 VND/bowl.

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Hoai Pho Cao Lau restaurant is famous for its Cao Lau bowl filled with noodles and meat prepared with rich flavors. Photo: Bao Binh

Cao Lau Pho Hoi is a famous restaurant that attracts a large number of locals and tourists who regularly visit. The most outstanding feature of Da Nang’s Cao Lau dish here is the quality of the dish, ensuring freshness and hygiene.

The light yellow, chewy, crispy noodles are served with a piece of crispy fried pork that’s low in fat and lean. The spices are carefully marinated to suit everyone’s taste. If you come to Da Nang, don’t forget to visit this address to enjoy a particularly delicious bowl of Cao Lau for only 15,000 VND or more.

Address: 172 To Huu, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city

Opening hours: 11:00 – 22:00

Reference price: 15,000 VND – 20,000 VND

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Cao Lau Pho Hoi is a famous restaurant that attracts many locals and tourists to visit. Photo: Bao Binh

Da Nang Nhung Cao Lau Restaurant is a roadside restaurant located on a busy street in Da Nang. The restaurant is always very crowded from morning to night. In addition to the usual toppings found in Cao Lau dishes such as yellow noodles and crispy roasted pork with char siu, the restaurant also has fried pork rinds and crispy fried pork skin. This is also the difference that tourists really like about this restaurant.

In addition to Cao Lau, the restaurant also serves noodles with fish sauce and smashed cakes, certainly enough to immerse you in the space of experiencing this extremely wonderful Da Nang delicacy.

Address: K92 Huynh Thuc Khang, Nam Duong, Hai Chau, Da Nang city

Opening hours: 6:00 – 21:00

Reference price: 15,000 VND – 20,000 VND

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Da Nang Nhung Cao Lau Restaurant is a famous roadside restaurant located on a busy street in Da Nang. Photo: @masahiro_okamura

You don’t need to buy dried Cao Lau fibers in Da Nang and then go through the hassle of cooking, just stop by Thinh restaurant and order a bowl of Cao Lau filled with fillings. What makes Cao Lau famous here is the fragrant, chewy Cao Lau noodles. The pork is richly seasoned and served with fresh and green vegetables.

All ingredients blend together, giving diners an irresistibly delicious bowl of Cao Lau. The restaurant space is also airy and clean, bringing satisfaction to diners.

Address: 19 Loseby, An Hai Bac, Son Tra, Da Nang city

Opening hours: 7:00 – 19:00

Reference price: About 30,000 VND/bowl

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What makes the Cao Lau dish at Thinh restaurant famous is that the Cao Lau noodles are fragrant, flexible, and moderately chewy. Photo: @evilrolrol

Cao Lau prepared with ancient Hoi An flavors will give you a very authentic feeling about this simple dish. At Quan Cao Lau Ly Hoi An, from only 20,000 VND, you can have a full bowl of Cao Lau including fresh, golden noodles, flavorful char siu meat marinated according to a family recipe. Hot bowls of Cao Lau are decorated with a little spicy chili, making Cao Lau more attractive to tourists from near and far.

In addition to Cao Lau, the restaurant also has some other typical dishes such as broken rice and Quang noodles that are also very delicious and very affordable.

Address: 267 Thai Thi Boi, Thanh Khe district, Da Nang city

Opening hours: 7:00 – 21:00

Reference price: 15,000 VND – 21,000 VND

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Cao Lau Ly Hoi An Restaurant brings diners the taste of traditional dishes. Photo: Collected

In addition to Cao Lau Da Nang, this city is also famous for many other specialties such as Nam O fish salad, Quang noodles… Don’t forget to see more experiences of traveling to Da Nang on your own to discover many other attractive dishes of Da Nang. this beautiful land. Wishing you a very happy trip and full of interesting experiences.