O mai is a specialty dish of Hanoi, which is very famous. In the capital, you can find many brands and shops specializing in selling apricot fruits. Among them, Hang Duong apricot is one of the most famous streets for this specialty.

Hang Duong Street is located in Hanoi’s Old Quarter, the southern end borders Hang Ngang street, the northern end intersects with Dong Xuan street. This street has long been famous for selling candies and goods made from molasses, cane sugar, and rock sugar. Nowadays, when mentioning Hang Duong, we think of apricot fruit, jam, and candies.

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of period 2 cuisine

O mai is a famous specialty of Hanoi

Along Hang Duong Street, there are many shops selling apricot trees, of all kinds for you to choose from. Every product is delicious and the price is reasonable. That’s why Hang Duong apricot fruit is loved by Hanoi people, gradually becoming a specialty that visitors to the capital will choose to buy as gifts for relatives and friends.

Below, Vietnamtravelio will review with you the best quality Hang Duong apricot shops.

Address: No. 8 Hang Duong, Hang Dao Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Phone: 024 3928 0737

Opening hours: 08:00 – 22:00

Reference price: From 30,000 VND/tael

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of period 3 cuisine

Gia Loi apricot fruit is famous near and far for its delicious and diverse flavor

When talking about Hang Duong apricot fruit, the Gia Loi brand must be mentioned first. The store is located on the corner of Hang Duong and Hang Ma streets. The front of the store is small and beautiful, full of ancient Hanoi style. This is also an apricot brand that is closely associated with the childhood of many Hanoians with its traditional, extremely meticulously refined flavor.

All kinds of apricot flowers are displayed in very clean and safe glass vases. You can choose to buy by the ounce, which will be cheaper than the canned variety. Gia Loi apricot fruit is made entirely by hand, each step extremely meticulous, so you can be completely assured about the quality, food safety and hygiene.

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of period 4 cuisine

Stalls full of apricot fruits are always ready to serve you

Especially when you buy apricot trees here, you will also have the enthusiastic owner taste all kinds of them. Because the store has more than 20 different types of apricot trees, feel free to taste them to see which one suits your taste and choose to buy. In addition to apricot, Gia Loi also has dried fresh fruits that are also very delicious. You can try buying a little of each type, bringing the full flavor of Hanoi home as a gift to your loved ones.

Address: No. 11 Hang Duong, Hang Dao Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Phone: 024 3928 1838

Opening hours: 07:45 – 22:00

Reference price: From 30,000 VND/tael

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of period 5 cuisine

Hong Lam is the most famous Hang Duong apricot brand in Hanoi with many stores

Right next to Gia Loi apricot fruit is Hong Lam apricot shop. This is an extremely famous apricot brand, not only in Hanoi but also exported abroad. Hong Lam’s apricot products are also available in many large supermarket chains across the country. Currently in Hanoi, Hong Lam has many branch stores but the original store is still on Hang Duong street.

Hong Lam apricot is also the leading brand in “canning” apricot fruit with extremely beautiful packaging. Hong Lam’s 3 most famous products are seedless apricot apricot, plum apricot and baby apricot apricot. In addition, this brand also has very unique types of shredded apricot fruit such as mango apricot, star fruit apricot, peach lemon apricot…

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of period 6 cuisine

The advantage of Hong Lam apricot fruit is that it is packaged extremely beautifully, square box sets like this are very suitable as gifts.

Not only scoring points in packaging, Hong Lam apricot also has a very unique flavor. This brand has its own formula, each type of apricot is very rich, moderately acidic, suitable for the taste of the majority. In particular, this Hang Duong apricot shop also has very beautiful sets, including many types of apricot trees, beautiful packaging, extremely suitable as gifts.

Address: No. 21 Hang Duong, Hang Dao Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Phone: 024 3828 2642

Opening hours: 08:00 – 22:00

Reference price: From 25,000 VND/tael

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of cuisine from the 7th period

Tien Thinh apricot has an extremely rich flavor and extremely attractive color

O mai Tien Thinh was born in 1937, and has now been associated with the capital for nearly a century. Tien Thinh’s first store was at 21 Hang Duong, opened by Mrs. Tran Thi Thao. She is also the person who invented, researched and made the formula to create the first apricot fruits.

According to her grandmother, when she was a child, she dreamed that Huong Pagoda was sold all over the street. She really likes this fruit but only sees it sold for about a month before the season ends. So she tried putting apricots in a jar of salt, then adding a little sugar and ginger to make it easier to eat. Gradually, after many times of tasting, adding and removing spices, the old lady perfected the recipe for making apricot apricot and applied it to other fruits. That is also how apricot was created, becoming a fragrant specialty of the capital.

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of cuisine from the 8th period

The types of apricot here are also very diverse, with unique and unique flavors

Up to now, following the recipe of Mrs. Tran Thi Thao, the descendants continue to develop the Tien Thinh apricot brand to become more and more diverse products with typical traditional flavors. The processing processes of this Hang Duong apricot brand are extremely professional, meticulous, ensuring food hygiene and safety. Therefore, if you want to choose a unique specialty of the capital as a gift, Tien Thinh apricot fruit will be the perfect choice.

Address: No. 13 Hang Duong, Hang Dao Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Phone: 024 3828 1354 – 037 869 3658

Opening hours: 08:00 – 22:00

Reference price: From 20,000 VND/tael

Enjoy Hang Duong apricot fruit, the quintessence of 9th period cuisine

Gia Thinh apricot fruit scores points with its affordable price and standard taste of traditional apricot fruit

Gia Thinh is a Hang Duong apricot shop that is extremely loved by gourmets. A special feature of Gia Thinh is that it does not develop a brand with many stores but only focuses on products to bring the best quality to customers. The flavors of apricot trees here are also very distinct, divided into sweet apricot, salty apricot, sour apricot, flexible apricot, and crispy apricot.

Compared to other stores in Hang Duong, Gia Thinh apricot will have a more authentic Hanoi flavor. When you go to the store, you should taste it to see which one suits your taste. For example, sour plum apricot has a very strong sour taste, not mixed with a harmonious flavor like the Hang Duong apricot shops introduced above in the Vietnamtravelio travel guide. Therefore, if you taste it for the first time, you may feel that Gia Thinh apricot is a bit more picky about eating.

Besides, the advantage of Gia Thinh apricot fruit is that the price will be more favorable than other stores on Hang Duong street. But the downside is that the packaging here is not as diverse and beautiful. Therefore, Gia Thinh apricot fruit is more suitable to buy to enjoy than to buy as a gift.

Above is information about quality Hang Duong apricot shops for you to consider choosing. This is a Hanoi specialty flavor that is very suitable for you to buy as a gift. When you have the opportunity to travel to Hanoi, remember to put a corner of your suitcase to bring lots of apricot trees to give to relatives and friends.