Nghia Tan market’s banh gio has long been one of the prominent names on the delicious food map of Hanoi. It would be great if, during a late afternoon snack, you could enjoy a “full” topping of spring rolls, releasing hot, steamy smoke that immediately spreads, along with a fragrant scent that makes many hungry stomachs feel hungry. .

See more: Top 10 delicious sticky rice restaurants in Hanoi

It is one of the delicious dishes in Hanoi, so it will not be difficult for you to see a restaurant in the capital selling this dish. But for some reason, every time people crave the taste of warm spring rolls, people immediately think of Nghia Tan market.

Famous for being one of the places that sells the most banh gio in the capital, so when you come to the market, you will see a whole row specializing in selling only this cake. The most famous banh gio shops at Nghia Tan market include Thu Huong, Thu Loan or Ngoc Anh.

The banh gio shops at Nghia Tan market are all around ten years old, so the quality of the banh is something you can completely rest assured about. Even though it sounds like a “luxurious” shop, the stalls at Nghia Tan market are quite simple. There are only a few foam boxes containing spring rolls, a few sets of plastic tables and chairs, but they attract the attention of many people.

Nghia Tan market spring rolls have an attractive ivory white outer layer. When you eat a piece, you can clearly feel the softness, flexibility, and smoothness because the dough is stirred well by hand. The filling is more attractive with stir-fried minced meat and wood ear mushrooms and richly seasoned. The cake is wrapped in banana leaves, so when opened, hot smoke immediately spreads in the space along with a fragrant scent that stimulates the hunger of many people.

Another special feature of banh gio at Nghia Tan market is that the topping is more “modest” than other shops. Here, people will eat banh gio with small spring rolls, some cucumber salad, but not green rice rolls, sausages, or grilled meat, but it can still fill the hungry stomachs of those who stop here.

The price for each pork roll at Nghia Tan market is quite cheap, about 20,000 VND and you get a warm meal right away, very reasonable, right?

Explore Nghia Tan market with a series of delicious dishes 2

Nghia Tan market’s banh gio has long been one of the prominent names on the delicious food map of Hanoi

Explore Nghia Tan market with a series of delicious dishes 3

Nghia Tan market spring rolls have an attractive ivory white outer layer, the filling is stir-fried minced meat with wood ear mushrooms and is richly seasoned.

Besides the delicious spring rolls, clam porridge is also an attractive delicacy at Nghia Tan market that many people will always remember.

The bowls of mussel porridge at Nghia Tan market are quite simple, just consisting of thick porridge, served with stir-fried mussels, laksa leaves, and chopped green onions, but once eaten, you can’t stop. More specifically, this is also one of Hanoi’s winter delicacies that you should not miss if you have the opportunity to visit the capital on a chilly day.

It will not be difficult for you to find a shop selling mussel porridge at Nghia Tan market. However, if we talk about prestigious addresses and have won the hearts of diners from near and far over the years, we certainly cannot help but mention Ba Trong restaurant.

Having existed for 30 years in the capital, Ba Trong’s clam porridge shop in Nghia Tan market is always bustling with scenes of people coming in and out. The restaurant’s porridge is quite special, the rice is pureed so it is very smooth and fragrant. For that reason, the porridge color is not as white as other products but is quite opaque because it is cooked with mussel broth.

Unlike other restaurants, instead of mussels being kept separately and when diners order, they are added to the porridge. On the contrary, Ba Trong’s restaurant mixes them all together. Perhaps because the mussels are cooked with porridge, the flavor at Ba Trong restaurant is also considered to be the most rich and delicious.

A bowl of mussel porridge at Ba Trong restaurant in Nghia Tan market costs only 20,000 VND, just enough for everyone to sip on a chilly afternoon in the capital. Scoop up a piece of porridge, you will immediately see underneath are chewy and crispy mussels, adding a little green onion, chopped laksa leaves, pepper, chili powder and mixing it together will make it even more rich and fragrant.

To get it right, when enjoying mussel porridge, don’t forget to serve it with a couple of pieces of crispy fried dough. Surely the taste of the dish will be even more delicious and attractive.

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Clam porridge is also an attractive delicacy at Nghia Tan market that many people will always remember

When mentioning snacks that have a strong impression of the capital’s cuisine, how can we ignore the name jasmine tofu, right? It will not be difficult for you to find a Hanoi tofu shop when walking around the tree-lined streets of the capital. However, if you have the opportunity to visit Nghia Tan market and suddenly crave the fatty, sweet taste of jasmine pho, don’t miss the entrance area.

As soon as you step into the Nghia Tan market gate area, you will easily see a series of ladies selling this dish. The jasmine noodle shop at Nghia Tan market is very simple, with only a couple of tables and chairs, plus a baby cart with a series of bowls containing attractive toppings.

The pho at Nghia Tan market is very delicious, white, fragrant with the scent of jasmine and soy milk. When ordering, ladies and gentlemen will bring out a bowl full of tofu, adding sugar water, coconut milk, pearls, black jelly, gauze jelly, grated fresh coconut or even dried coconut. There’s nothing more enjoyable than the feeling of enjoying a bowl of jasmine pho on a windy day in the capital, right?

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The pho at Nghia Tan market is very delicious, white, fragrant with the smell of jasmine and soy milk.

Besides famous dishes from near and far such as clam porridge and jasmine pho, at Nghia Tan market there are still many options to entertain everyone. If you have the opportunity to go to Nghia Tan market, you can try enjoying pan bread, mixed vermicelli, grilled rice paper, spring rolls or pillow cake.

Most of the restaurants at Nghia Tan market are about ten years old, so you can be completely assured about the quality of the food here. Surely a food tour around Nghia Tan market will help you repel hunger and soothe the “worm” in your stomach.

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Boiled snails are a delicious dish at Nghia Tan market that attracts many diners

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Attractive mixed wonton noodles

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Rice paper mixed with filling toppings will definitely make many food lovers eat forever and not be able to let go of their chopsticks

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Stir-fried quail with tamarind with rich spices

Explore Nghia Tan market with a series of delicious dishes 10

Spring rolls, boiled meat wrapped in rice paper, are delicious dishes you should not miss. What could be more interesting than enjoying this rustic dish on a cold day in the capital, right?

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Crispy fried dumplings served with attractive fish sauce will definitely make even the most demanding diners praise their deliciousness.

The cuisine of Hanoi capital always makes many people miss it with its rustic, simple flavor, imprinted with the imprint of the ancient capital of the past. There are no more modern dishes in the area now Nghia Tan market There are still bowls of fragrant jasmine pho, fatty mussel porridge, and hot spring rolls waiting to treat many friends who come from far away. Don’t forget to save this article from Vietnamtravelio in your Travel Guidebook to prepare for your upcoming trip!