1.1 Unique specialties in Hue

Hue cuisine is already very famous and delights tourists from near and far with Hue beef noodle soup, banh beo, Hue nam cake, loc cake, mussel rice… diverse and delicious. But perhaps one of the unique dishes that must be mentioned here is roast pork sweet soup, hearing the name is enough to make many people confused about whether it is salty or sweet.

Hue people inherently have a sophisticated eating style, the combination of dishes is not random but is based on the philosophy of yin and yang and the five elements. Therefore, the name roasted pork filter sweet soup sounds absurd, but it is a unique blend between the fragrant sweet water on the outside and the strangely fatty and salty filling on the inside.

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 2

Roasted pork filter sweet soup is a famous specialty of Hue

The owner of Hue’s famous Mo Ton Dich sweet soup shop said that the meat used to cook sweet soup must be roasted pork to be less boring, not fishy and delicious. After roasting, the meat will be braised with salt and sugar and very dry spices. The filling of roasted pork tapioca soup is meat carefully wrapped in tapioca starch into round balls. Then boil these balls and put them in boiling sugar water with pandan leaves or ginger for aroma.

The type of flour used is filter flour because when it is cooked, we can see through the meat. Moreover, the filter powder also helps the sweet soup to be chewy without being boring, and wraps the meat inside well. The meat will be separated from the sugar water through this filter layer.

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 3

The filter powder helps the tea to be chewy without being boring

The reason why roast pork sweet soup is called a Hue specialty is because it is only available in the ancient capital. But when did sweet soup come into existence and why does this sweet soup exist? is a difficult question to answer. In the past, this sweet soup was often cooked on death anniversaries and Hue family parties because the feast always had roasted pork, and people would take small pieces to cook sweet soup.

Gradually, roasted pork sweet soup became a famous dish sought by many tourists. However, not everyone likes this dish from the first time, because of the contrast between the salty stew and the sweet sweet soup fragrant with sticky rice leaves, few can stand it. But there are also people who are fascinated by it and will want to eat it again and again. Their favorite feeling is the feeling of biting into a piece of roasted pork tapioca and feeling the salty filling behind the tough layer of tapioca starch, not to mention the feeling of drinking sweet, fragrant tea. cool again.

See more: Heartwarming Hue grilled pork vermicelli with rich flavors of the ancient capital

1.2 Roasted pork filter sweet soup for the king

According to the elders, this is a dessert dish that was cooked for the king in the past, and then popularized outside. Therefore, this royal sweet soup is less popular than other types of sweet soup. Nowadays, roast pork filter sweet soup is also classified as luxury sweet soup because among sweet soup dishes, it is always a few thousand dong more expensive.

Ingredients to cook roasted pork tapioca pudding include tapioca starch, roasted pork, rock sugar, granulated sugar, ginger and peanuts. The flour used must be good flour, kneaded with warm water until smooth, flexible and not sticky. After kneading, the dough will be broken into small balls to wrap with roasted meat.

Roasted pork leg is the soul of the dish, cut into cubes, mixed with rock sugar, poured with water, then placed on the stove and simmered over low heat to let the meat absorb the sugar. Take it out to dry in the shade to make the pork clearer. After the meat is inside, we will mix it with a little five-spice powder for a fragrant filling, then put the meat filling in the middle of the dough ball so there are no gaps.

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 4

After roasting pork thoroughly, it is wrapped tightly in filter flour

The next step is to add sugar water, put rock sugar in a pot and cook over low heat until it turns yellow, then add filtered water. We continue to wait for the sugar water to boil, then gently drop each dough ball in, wait until it is cooked, it will float and remove the foam, before turning off the stove, add a little ginger. After the sweet soup is cooked, it will be scooped into a cup or bowl, sprinkled with a little roasted sesame and served immediately while still hot or over ice.

3.1 Ton Dich’s Che

– Address: In front of Thuong Bac Park, Hue

– Opening hours: 17:00 – 22:00

– Price: 8,000 VND – 20,000 VND

– Fanpage: Che Mo Ton Dich

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 5

Roasted pork sweet soup at Mo Ton Dich restaurant is known as the second best in Hue

Those who are fans of Hue sweet soup dishes certainly cannot help but know about Che Mo Ton Dich shop, with a long history and famous for selling delicious sweet soup. The shop sells all kinds of different types of sweet soup, but the most famous among them is probably the roasted pork sweet soup. In fact, in Hue, there are quite a few places that sell this dish because to cook it well, the chef must pay close attention to choosing ingredients and preparing it carefully.

If you go to Hue once in a while, why not try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 6

Delicious sweet soup with many dishes to try at the restaurant

If it doesn’t suit you, you can also try other delicious sweet soup dishes such as sweet potato sweet soup or banana sweet soup with a fragrant flavor. In particular, the shop also sells very cute sweet soup trays with many different attractive sweet soup dishes. However, like Hem tea, the sales attitude here also receives many complaints. The restaurant is located right on the sidewalk in front of Thuong Bac Park and is popular all year round, with people coming to eat almost all day long.

3.2 Alley Tea

– Address: No. 1, 29 Hung Vuong, Hue

– Opening hours: 8:00 – 21:00

– Price: 7,000 VND – 20,000 VND

When talking about places that sell delicious Hue roasted pork filter sweet soup, we cannot help but mention Che Hem shop. Here, diners can enjoy 15 different types of sweet soup such as sweet corn sweet soup, rich lotus sweet soup, purple potato sweet soup, royal beans, red beans… If you like, you can also order a cup of mixed sweet soup. together to enjoy everything.

The price of tea at the shop is also very reasonable, moreover, when you visit, you will also be served free iced tea. Because it is a popular restaurant, there will be no air conditioning, but in return, using low tables makes sitting quite comfortable and the space is also large without creating a cramped feeling. The quality of sweet soup is outstanding, because it is cooked according to Hue’s traditional recipe, so the flavor is naturally delicious, not harsh, making us want to eat it forever.

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 7

Hue tea is famous for having many different types, each of which is unique

3.3 Cam Tea

– Address: 10 Nguyen Sinh Cung, Hue

– Opening hours: 16:00 – 21:00

– Price: 7,000 VND – 15,000 VND

This small, pretty and idyllic sweet soup shop located on Nguyen Sinh Cung street is quite attractive to tourists when coming to explore Hue because of the colorful sweet soup pots lined up next to each other. The shop currently sells banana sweet soup, floating sweet soup, millet sweet soup, bean sweet soup, green bean sweet soup, red bean sweet soup, lotus seed sweet soup, pomegranate seed sweet soup, filtered sweet soup with roasted meat… All familiar Hue sweet soup dishes are available. Here, the price cannot be cheaper than only 10,000 VND/glass.

Even if you go in a crowded place and can’t eat it all, if you want to enjoy more, you can still negotiate with the shop owner to sell a smaller cup for 7,000 VND/glass. In the summer, there is nothing better than coming here to sip cool cups of tea like roast pork filter tea, and in the winter, the hot cups of sweet soup will be the most delicious.

3.4 Ngoc Hien Tea

– Address: No. 65 Tran Hung Dao, Hue

– Opening hours: 3:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m

– Price: 8,000 VND – 10,000 VND

– Fanpage: NGOC HIEN TEA

If you go to Hue once in a while, don't hesitate to try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 8

On hot days, there’s nothing better than eating a cool cup of tea. Photo: NGOC HIEN TEA

The most crowded shop on Tran Hung Dao street thanks to the image of a tea cabinet with up to 20 eye-catching dishes. In general, not only roast pork sweet soup but also every dish is filling and delicious, the price is extremely “student”. The shop’s tea flavor has also been improved to suit the majority of customers, so it no longer retains the characteristics of Hue royal tea. Another big plus point of the restaurant is that the owner works quickly and professionally without having to wait long for the food.

If you go to Hue once in a while, why don't you try the unique roasted pork sweet soup dish 9

20 different types of sweet soup are sold in the shop

If you go to Hue once in a while, why don’t you try a new dish: roast pork filter sweet soup once. If it suits us, we will even want to eat it many more times!