Address: 225/3 Dong Da, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city

Contact phone number: 090 588 81 36

Business hours: every day of the week, from 7:00 to 22:00

In fact, Fil’s Café is a coffee shop combined with a restaurant in Da Nang with a closed space, bringing a warm, cozy and intimate feeling to those who have stopped by the shop. Located peacefully on Dong Da street, crowded with traffic, from the first moment you set foot in the restaurant, you will feel like you are lost in a new, more peaceful world, in complete contrast to the rhythm of the restaurant. bustling life in the city out there.

See more: SWAN Coffee & Cake – Super pretty cake cafe in the heart of Da Thanh

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Fil’s Café provides a cozy and intimate dining space for everyone when returning to beautiful Da Thanh

Located in an area near the city center, if you intend to visit Fil’s Café to sip a cup of hot coffee or enjoy a romantic dinner under sparkling candlelight, you have many options in finding different types of coffee. suitable means of transportation.

If you want to watch the busy traffic going back and forth on the road as well as want to escape the typical sweltering heat of Da Thanh in the sunny and windy Central region, then a taxi is the perfect choice. Currently in Da Nang, there are countless taxi companies operating with a large fleet of vehicles and a team of enthusiastic and welcoming drivers, with professional service and diverse prices for you to choose from. The price for one-way travel fluctuates around 100,000 VND, so according to Vietnamtravelio, this is a reasonable price for a trip.

Or if you love the feeling of navigating on Google maps while traveling with your pet to explore Da Nang, why not choose a motorbike? Currently, in the inner city area there are countless shops providing daily motorbike rental services with a variety of prices, from 70,000 VND to 150,000 VND depending on the type of motorbike you choose. If you travel by motorbike, you can also be proactive in terms of time and move more flexibly.

Designed in a closed style and using warm brown wood tones as the main color, Fil’s Café space brings an intimate, cozy feeling to those who have ever set foot in the shop.

If you want to meet up with friends, remember to go to Fil's Cafe 3

The shop uses warm brown wood tones to bring a cozy feeling

More specifically, the owner also cleverly takes advantage of dark brick walls combined with shimmering yellow lights and clear white lights, contributing to highlighting the intimacy and warmth of the overall space of Fi’s. Café.

With the layout of long tables interwoven with regular tables and chairs, Fil’s Café’s space seems most spacious and airy. This also contributes to increasing convenience and comfort for large families or groups of friends, suitable for organizing cozy meals, bonding the spirit of solidarity.

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Long tables are suitable for families or large groups of friends

In addition, not only is it decorated with familiar and simple interior items in old house interior design, the restaurant space is also dotted with countless green areas with lush potted plants, helping to enhance the overall look. The restaurant space becomes fresher and more comfortable. Besides, the shop is also skillful in using wooden doors that bring an ancient look to the surroundings, bringing a nostalgic feeling.

With a cozy, intimate space and full of familiar items like being in your own home, it’s not surprising that Fil’s Café is one of the shops that people favor when they want to organize a party. Family and friend gatherings on weekends or important occasions.

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Familiar decorative items appear throughout the shop premises

If you are someone who loves moments of gathering with loved ones, dining together under shimmering yellow lights in a cozy space, then the indoor dining table area is the perfect suggestion. The use of decorative objects with a variety of furniture items commonly found in ancient houses also contributes to enhancing the feeling of intimacy, closeness and a bit of nostalgic aftertaste.

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The outdoor area is for those who want to enjoy coffee or dine in an open space

Or if you want to have moments of dining close to nature and be able to breathe fresh air, then the airy outdoor area with many trees and a series of tables and chairs are arranged scientifically. is what you can choose.

Being a restaurant and cafe, the menu at Fil’s Café is also very diverse and attractive, prepared entirely from guaranteed fresh fruit. With simple preparation, the glasses of water at the restaurant still retain the original flavor of fresh ingredients, helping you to fully experience the most quintessential things. In addition, the restaurant is also very diligent in changing and creating new drinks with unique and attractive flavors, helping everyone who comes to the restaurant to enjoy the tastiest and most impressive things. Stop.

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Super attractive cup of fresh mulberry yogurt at Fil’s Café

If you want to meet up with friends, remember to go to Fil's Cafe 8

A warm cup of tea to enjoy after a meal, why not, my friend?

In addition, the restaurant also has an impressive tea menu, and is a suitable place to enjoy poetic tea ceremonies. In a cozy space filled with ancient aftertaste, enjoying a tea ceremony while listening to melodious music will make your soul feel lighter and more relaxed.

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Tea ceremony with countless cakes and nuts to enjoy

Besides, Fil’s Café also owns a diverse menu of dishes with many Da Nang specialties also “contributing to the fun” here. Most of the dishes at the restaurant are prepared with delicious flavors and eye-catching, skillful and sophisticated decorations, giving you moments of gathering with loved ones, dining together under the lights. cozy and intimate. After eating, you can enjoy some hot tea with everyone, or sip on delicious smoothies, juices or delicious glasses of blended ice. Having a full belly makes everyone feel closer to each other. It’s a double win, right?

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Da Nang specialties also appear on the dining table at Fil’s Café

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Dining with loved ones in a cozy space will bring everyone closer together

Not only is Fil’s Café taken care of in terms of space as well as a diverse and full menu, what makes Fil’s Café famous also comes from its professional, welcoming staff with quick service. You definitely won’t have to wait too long if you happen to come to the restaurant on weekends or holidays because the staff here will quickly help you find a table, order and prepare food. Therefore, although in Da Nang there are countless restaurants specializing in selling specialties as well as a series of cafes designed in a luxurious, modern style, yet Fil’s Café is full of nostalgic aftertaste. Since ancient times, it is still one of the destinations that people love and trust.

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Does the nostalgic space at Fil’s Café make you flutter?

Fil’s Café with its cozy and intimate closed space has truly become a perfect choice for those who want to find some quiet dining time with loved ones. Dear friend, do you want to dine with us at Fil’s Café once?