Located right in the center of the capital among countless cafes with thousands of virtual views, Choice Coffee still holds a strong attraction for paparazzi fans.

Address: No. 1A Van Ho 2, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi

Parking: Sidewalk opposite the shop, cars parked in the park

Opening hours: 8:00 to 22:00

Phone number: 087 8232593

Reference price: 20,000 VND to 120,000 VND

Miniature Korea at Choice Coffee 2

Extremely chill space at Choice Coffee

Finding Choice Coffee is no longer difficult, because there is Google map to take care of it!

See more: Watch the sunset across West Lake at Laguna Rooftop Hanoi

Located on the busiest street in Hanoi, Choice Coffee still maintains its strange quietness and peace. With white tones that never cool down combined with delicate dark brown patches and surrounded by natural light, the restaurant space brings a feeling of peace and freedom to the soul. Choice Coffee takes care of every little detail from the arrangement of tables and chairs, decorative items, dishes, virtual living niches,… making everyone satisfied and satisfied with the shop’s neatness.

“Simplicity is the pinnacle of beauty.” That’s right, without being covered in roses like Five O’clock Tea, without having a million-dollar West Lake view like The Sipping Bar Waterfront, Choice Coffee chooses its own beauty, which is gentleness and tolerance. weird. Two ordinary factors make Hanoi youth fascinated. Perhaps, they have recognized the “Hanoi quality” of Choice Coffee hidden behind the “jacket” with the appearance of Korean design style.

It’s not simple, but a simple coffee shop like Choice Coffee has received a lot of favor from many young people in the Capital. A beautiful little shop right in Van Ho neighborhood, owning two rather modest premises: a sidewalk and an air-conditioned room. If you want silence and some melodious ballad music to reflect, study, work, etc. then the air-conditioned room area is very suitable for you. If you want to have an open space to watch the endless stream of cars and “chat” with your close friends, then the sidewalk is your true love.

Coming to Choice is not just to drink coffee, but to come to Choice to take sparkling photos. Here there are always the best light sources for you to enjoy virtual life, the shop also provides excellent support props to bring you “so deep” photos. Enthusiastic and hospitable staff, not only do they serve wholeheartedly, but they also take photos very conscientiously! If you go alone, you can still feel secure in taking a few dozen photos to post on Facebook.

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Choice Coffee’s bar is decorated extremely sweetly with the main tones of creamy white and wood brown. Photo: Choice Coffee

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No need for decoration style, but Choice Coffee still holds its own unique charm

Join Vietnamtravelio to take a look at the delicious dishes at Choice Coffee!

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The fragrant Pain Au Chocolate cake has just come out of the oven. Photo: Choice Coffee

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A nutritious morning with crispy croissants with a thin, greasy layer of dough combined with a little cereal and an elegant cup of strawberry mango tea.

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The tea & cake combo that many people love includes: Pain Au Chocolate, citron tea and nutritious cereals

MIA.VN “teases” some “magical” virtual living corners that many paparazzi enthusiasts love!

Korea in miniature at Choice Coffee 8

Check in extremely luxuriously with Choice Coffee. Photo: Choice Coffee

Korea in miniature at Choice Coffee 9

So much beauty in this “divine” corner

Korea in miniature at Choice Coffee 10

Invite more sisters to Choice Coffee to “chat” and explore virtual living niches

Promoting minimalism in design, Choice Coffee is a worthy place for you to remember in your “bombing” schedule of virtual living locations. Hopefully the above shares will bring you memorable moments when visiting the Capital! Also, if this is your first time traveling to Hanoi and you are a vegetarian, Vietnamtravelio suggests to you a delicious vegetarian restaurant called Aumme Vegetarian Restaurant. Remember to save this useful information in your travel guide!