Address: 11 Phu Duc Chinh, Hue City

Business hours: 8h00-22h00

Price: 20,000 – 55,000 VND.

Mrs. Hanh’s banh mi cake has conquered many people who love Hue cuisine. It can be said that this is one of the delicious banh hoi shops in Hue. The cakes here sell out very quickly, so it seems that each one is delicious, crispy, and affordable for local people.

It can be said that Ms. Hanh’s banh canh is one of the most famous banh hoi shops in Hue, with a very unique flavor, creating a difference from many other banh hoi shops. The taste is extremely attractive, has its own flavor, characterized by the shop’s traditional recipe. The most impressive highlight is the rich broth, with the rich taste of pork liver, the fatty taste of crushed peanuts and the characteristic aroma of roasted sesame. All combined to bring you a delicious and impressive cake that will never be forgotten.

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Ms. Hanh’s banh mi cake is one of the delicious banh canh shops in Hue that you should visit to enjoy

Address: 6 Dinh Tien Hoang – Hue City

Business hours: 8h00 – 22h30

Price: 50,000 – 70,000 VND

Lac Thien pleasure cake, as the name suggests, when you eat the cake, you will enjoy it immediately. The banh hoi dish at the restaurant conquers the taste of many diners with its unique, salty flavor, blending a variety of ingredients, bringing an appeal and uniqueness that you can only feel when eating at the restaurant. At the same time, there are many types of cake fillings at the shop, so you can freely choose according to your preferences. Each piece of cake has a crispy outer layer, soft, greasy and salty inside when enjoyed with sweet and sour dipping sauce, will definitely make you fall in love from the first bite.

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Banh hoi impresses thanks to the filling topping inside and the attractive, fragrant dipping sauce

Address: 78 Dinh Tien Hoang – Hue City

Business hours: 10:00 to 22:00

Price: 10,000 VND – 20,000 VND

A delicious cake shop in Hue that you cannot help but know is Hong Mai cake, with a pretty delicious flavor, each cake served to you is always hot, crispy and fragrant. A plus point for the restaurant is that the service staff are extremely funny, enthusiastic and cute.

Because it is a familiar address for many tourists, the restaurant is always crowded, so if you want to enjoy banh hoi at the restaurant, you should come early! At the same time, the cakes at the restaurant are made with an extremely eye-catching natural yellow color and the sweet and sour dipping sauce, salty but delicious when mixed with banh hoi, makes the dish much more delicious and suitable for many tourists. Guests from all over come to visit.

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The colorful banh hoi dish, served with many vegetables and melons, makes the dish more delicious and less greasy

Address: 86 Kim Long – Hue City

Business hours: 7h00 – 21h00

Price: 10,000 – 20,000 VND

Thu Suong Banh Khoai is a delicious banh canh shop in Hue that is familiar to students, because the shop is quite cheap, only about 10k for a hot, delicious banh hoi, filled with toppings. At the same time, the restaurant space is also quite large so this is a suitable place to gather, enjoy Hue culinary specialties, and chat.

The shop is a familiar destination for many tourists who love banh hoi because of its top quality but affordable prices. The mild astringent taste of fig mixed with the rich taste of banh hoi helps you not get bored no matter how much you eat, but also helps bring out the delicious taste of fish sauce, blending with the cake, will surely conquer you right from the start. first piece.

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The dipping sauce is the highlight that helps Thu Suong banh mi make its mark in the hearts of diners

Address: 27 Mai Thuc Loan – Hue City

Business hours: 16:00 to 21:00

Price: 10,000 – 30,000 VND

Hoa chi cake makes an impression thanks to its rustic style, perfectly recreating the origin of this cake, and is a dish associated with the daily lives of the people of Hue. A special point that makes the banh hoi at her shop popular with many people is that the cake is only made after a customer orders. This will help keep the cake hot and steamy, making it sure to be very attractive when enjoying it, isn’t it?

The cake is usually served with raw vegetables, thinly sliced ​​figs, green bananas, star fruit and papaya… to help relieve nausea when eating a lot. The dipping sauce at the shop is prepared according to a family recipe, creating a very unique flavor of banh hoi that you can only enjoy at Ms. Hoa’s banh hoi shop.

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The cake filled with toppings will definitely make you fall in love and want to enjoy it as soon as you see it

Address: Chuon Market, Phu Vang, Hue

Business hours: 17h00 21h00

Price: 3,000 – 5,000 VND

The goby fish cake causes a storm in the Hue culinary world. The dish is a unique combination of the traditional banh hoi and orca fish. Each cake has an orca fish filling placed right in the middle of the cake. Eating with the unique dipping sauce, both salty and sweet, makes each piece of fish become soft and fatty, blending perfectly with the soft and fatty cake layer, it will definitely bring a wonderful taste experience.

If you want to enjoy a brand new banh hoi dish for a change of taste, don’t hesitate to visit O Lanh Fish Banh Khoai to enjoy this dish to feel the delicious and unique flavor of Hue banh hoi!

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Each cake has a topping of a large, lightly fried whale fish, giving you a very unique dish, you should try it.

Address: 305 Nguyen Trai-Ward. Tay Loc – Hue City

Business hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m

Price: 10,000 – 30,000 VND

With this suggestion, you can both satisfy your stomach with delicious banh mi and fill it with grilled meat. These are considered two typical dishes of the restaurant. The dishes at the restaurant are considered to be quite standard, from the way they are eaten, the taste to the presentation, every detail is taken care of by the owner, making every diner extremely satisfied when they come to eat. The banh hoi at the shop is quite popular with many people thanks to its attractive, fatty, rich and fragrant flavor, so everyone has to eat 2-3 of them at a time to satisfy their cravings.

The cake that is memorable to many diners of the shop will definitely satisfy your taste, take note now and come visit if you have the opportunity!

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Attractive and eye-catching from color, presentation to passionate fragrance

Address: 10 Dinh Tien Hoang – Hue City

Business hours: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Price: 10,000 – 30,000 VND

And the address of a delicious Banh Khoai restaurant in Hue that Vietnamtravelio would like to introduce to you is Lac Thanh Banh Khoai restaurant, a familiar restaurant of many indigenous people thanks to the unique flavor of fish sauce when eaten with the shop’s banh hoi shop. Extremely harmonious and impressive.

The fish sauce is rich but just right, the sour, salty and spicy flavors are balanced so when you enjoy it you will really enjoy it, every flavor is felt in each bite. Another big plus point for the restaurant is that the servers are very enthusiastic and cheerful, so you can comfortably eat delicious food and chat with your friends.

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This dish is a popular dish, but over time it has been developed and transformed by Hue people into a delicious specialty

Hopefully among the 8 delicious banh hoi shops in Hue that Vietnamtravelio has just introduced to you, there will be one you love. As a famous specialty dish in Hue, banh hoi has many variations, as well as different ways of making, bringing you new, unique and unforgettable taste experiences. Immediately write down the addresses of these banh hoi shops to invite your friends to visit if you have the opportunity to come to Hue!