Coming to the ancient capital, besides many famous Hue delicacies such as Hue beef vermicelli, Hue grilled pork vermicelli…, pressed cake is also a specialty not to be missed when coming here. The hot cakes when cooked are placed on a blue plastic plate. After that, guests optionally add some Vietnamese coriander, sweet and sour papaya, cucumber, roll the cake up and dip it in a bowl of spicy and sour fish sauce. While eating, he complimented how delicious it was.

The cake is tiny but has the unique flavor of a pressed cake. Taking a bite of the cake, visitors will feel the greasiness of the oil and the crunchiness and toughness of the crust. Add a little sour taste of papaya combined with the aroma of green onions, meat and eggs. All create a special flavor, extremely addictive right from the first try.

Because the cakes are thinly pressed and the ingredients are mainly vegetables, not easily boring, so usually each person can eat about 10 or so. Then stack the green plates high, count the plates with your friends, and compare to see who can eat more as a fun way to eat pressed cake. When paying, the shop owner just counts the number of plates and then calculates the bill very conveniently.

See more: Enjoy Hue Nam Cake and feel the extremely attractive rustic flavor

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Pressed cake is a strange specialty not to be missed when coming to the ancient capital

The process of pressing the cake takes a lot of time, and the shop owner cannot pre-press it because the cake will lose its crispness. So if you go to the restaurant during crowded times, you will have to wait for a long time and cannot resist the special flavor of this dish when your stomach is hungry. People love this dish because it’s easy to eat and affordable. Especially because it is pressed at high temperature, you can eat the cake with complete peace of mind.

Pressed cake is considered a childhood dish for Hue people from the 8x generation onwards. Up to now, the appeal of this dish has not diminished as pressed cake is always the top choice of many students. Previously, traditional pressed cakes only had tapioca starch, eggs, served with raw vegetables and sweet fish sauce. However, with diverse variations, today’s pressed cakes have added many types of fillings such as meat, shrimp, pate, sausage… to serve the needs and tastes of each diner.

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Pressed cake is considered a childhood dish of Hue people from the 8x generation onwards

Pressed cakes cost about 2000 – 3000 VND/piece for small cakes and about 5000 VND for larger cakes with more filling. In Hue, there are many cake shops so visitors can freely choose a place to enjoy that suits their taste. Each restaurant will have a different way of processing, creating a unique and extremely attractive flavor.

Whether the pressed cake is delicious or not depends on the dipping sauce as well as the skill of the shop owner. There are shops that use pure industrial fish sauce mixed with chili powder. Some places have pre-made sweet and sour fish sauce with chili and garlic. Some people use fish sauce mixed with chili sauce or steamed chili. It is the spicy and aromatic taste of chili in fish sauce that stimulates the taste buds of eaters. Making this delicious dish even more delicious and irresistible.

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In Hue, there are many cake shops so visitors can freely choose a place to enjoy that suits their taste. Photo: Khanh pressed cake

There are many ways to prepare pressed cake depending on the creativity of the seller. The cake is made from simple ingredients such as tapioca flour, pork, eggs, green onions… Before pressing, the shop owner has rolled the cake into small dough balls, with a little braised pork, chili and pepper on top. spring onion. After the customer orders, the restaurant owner places the dough ball between two hot, oiled cast iron plates, closes it, and presses the mold tightly with both hands for about 5-6 seconds.

Next, open the mold, add 1 raw quail egg and continue pressing a second time for a few more seconds. During the process of pressing the cake, the shop owner will flip the cast iron plate about 2-3 times so that the cake is cooked evenly. If customers want to eat sticky food, they just need to squeeze it for a short time and it’s done. However, usually shops will press it a little longer so that the crust is crispy when eaten.

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There are many ways to prepare pressed cakes depending on the creativity and unique recipe of each shop

The preparation method seems simple, but this dish also requires a skilled person to watch over the fire to heat up the cast iron mold. With enough time and enough pressure, the cake will cook evenly. The name of pressed cake also comes from this special way of processing. The fragrant scent and the pleasant sound of sizzling dough make diners waiting for the cake feel hungry.

The cake pressing area is often very hot because the cake must be pressed at high temperatures. Each person is usually responsible for pressing about 3-4 ovens in time to serve diners. Because each shop has its own recipe, depending on each person’s preferences, almost every diner in Hue has their own cake press shop.

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The preparation method seems simple, but this dish also requires a skilled person to watch over the fire to heat up the cast iron mold

Gia Di pressed cake is one of the addresses with delicious pressed cake famous for Hue youth. The soft pressed cake has a thin layer of hot pressed egg powder with onions, meat, and dried beef sprinkled on top of the cake to increase the deliciousness. The cake is pressed with charcoal to a certain degree of heat, created by the powder formula and combining ingredients according to the shop’s standards, so there is hardly any overlap in flavor.

Gia Di pressed cake is considered a sidewalk snack shop invested in by its large, airy, and clean space. The restaurant’s other dishes are also very diverse and updated over time. Even though it is a sidewalk restaurant, with good service quality, the restaurant has left many good impressions in the hearts of diners.

Address: No. 52 Ba Trieu, Hue city

Phone number: 023 4629 9799

Opening hours: 14:30 – 21:00

Reference price: 1,000 VND – 10,000 VND

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Gia Di pressed cake is one of the addresses with delicious pressed cake famous for Hue youth

Ms. Hue’s pressed cake is a pressed cake shop that many young people come to enjoy. The cakes here are both big and full of meat and eggs, making it impossible for visitors to refuse. Enjoying a piece of pressed cake, visitors will feel the spicy, sweet and salty flavors blending together to create an indescribable passion.

Although far from the center of Hue city, Ms. Hue’s pressed cake still makes tourists travel long distances just to enjoy this special dish. Clean ingredients and excellent quality definitely won’t make you feel disappointed in the deliciousness, more worthy of the price. Although the space is a bit small, it is always crowded with customers, especially on weekends.

Address: No. 116 Le Ngo Cat, Hue city

Opening hours: 14:00 – 21:00

Reference price: 2,000 VND – 2,000 VND

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The special flavor of Ms. Hue’s pressed cake still makes many tourists travel long distances to enjoy it

If one day in the near future you have the opportunity to visit the dreamy city of Hue and enjoy countless specialties with Hue royal flavors, do not miss the rustic, simple and rich pressed cake with the typical flavor of Hue. Ancient capital land. See more experiences of traveling to Hue on your own to save many other special dishes in your upcoming journey to explore the ancient city!