Sapa is not only famous for tourists because of its attractive tourist landscapes, but it is also a paradise of countless cold-country fruits. The weather is mainly cold all year round, so cold-loving fruits are very diverse and abundant. We can mention apricot fruit – a specialty fruit of Sapa, tiger kumquat, cat apple, Sapa wild grapes… And of course we cannot forget Sapa plums and peaches. These are considered the two most outstanding and delicious fruits that many tourists want to enjoy.

When the plum blossoms cover the Northwest mountains and forests, it is time for the plums to begin to bear fruit. Plum season is around May or June. When you choose this time to travel to Sapa, you will admire the long rows of ripe plum gardens along the road from Sapa to O Quy Ho.

You will see the brilliant vitality of the Northwest mountains and forests through the red plum-colored shirt, somewhere interspersed with a bit of still green trees. Hidden behind the plum trees in harvest season are small houses in the village that are precariously located. You can go to a local people’s house, sip a cup of tea and enjoy the sweetness of just ripe plums.

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Sapa plum blossom season is in full bloom, highlighting the entire Sapa road

Sapa is famous for many delicious plums such as Ta Ly plum, Tam Hoa plum, yellow plum, red plum, etc. Among them is the famous plum variety – also known as purple plum. This plum variety is closely associated with the lives of Sapa people, grown for over 20 years. When ripe, plums have a sweet taste with a slight sour taste, a little astringent, small seeds but very smooth and succulent.

Currently, O Quy Ho is one of the areas growing the most plums in Sapa. If you want to enjoy this type of plum in person, you can buy it at gardeners for only 20,000 VND – 50,000 VND/kg and try it unlimitedly, or you can pick it yourself at the garden.

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Plum – the oldest famous plum among the plums of the people of Sapa

Plum is a fruit that is both sweet and sour, has a lot of water, plums are rich in fiber, very good for health. From this type of fruit we can process many special dishes such as plum wine, plum jam, plum apricot, making syrup, etc. The most famous are plum wine and Sapa plum jam.

Plum wine: The famous plum wine in Sapa is Ta Van plum wine. This strong fruit wine can also be considered wine. Ta Van plums are very picky about where they are grown, located at an altitude of over 1500m, so this is probably a factor in creating the unique flavor of Ta Van plums. Plums have a pale red color, bright red inside, sweet and sour taste, ripe fruit has a sweet taste and if eaten carefully will have a wine taste. Just soak plums with white sugar for 6 months before you can drink them. The wine has a slightly astringent taste, a dark amber color and a wine-like flavor.

Plum jam: Sapa plum jam is made from plums after separating the seeds and processing through many meticulous steps. Plums are carefully selected, filtering out plums that are fresh and delicious and of even size. Through many stages of manual processing, the plums will be put into jam-making ovens and you will enjoy small packages of plum jam, soft and fragrant, and will be an extremely wonderful gift in Sapa.

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Sapa plum jam is bold, fragrant, sticky and has a unique flavor

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Sapa red plum wine is famous throughout the country and is also exported

Besides, Sapa’s summer specialty is also peaches. Peaches are only as small as a cup of water, the taste is slightly sour but fragrant and crunchy. It is called peach basket because ethnic people in Sapa often store peaches in small baskets to sell.

On both sides of the roads leading to Sapa town center, there are many peach orchards in harvest season. Especially the section of National Highway 4D from Trung Chai commune to Sapa town. You will encounter a road filled with peach blossoms, competing with each other to bloom. Peach is a tree suitable for the weather and soil of Sapa. Our country’s peach season usually blooms around May, June and into July, the same goes for Sapa peach season.

3.2 What types of peaches are there in Sapa peach season?

There are many different types of peaches in Sapa such as: Hmong peaches, Vang peaches, French peaches, Yunnan peaches,… but all are called by people and tourists by the very Sapa name “gab peach” or “peaches”. mountain”. Sapa peaches are only as small as a tea cup, fragrant, crispy and slightly sour. In particular, Sapa peaches have a soft, silk-like layer of fluff on the outside, so they are called “Sapa hairy peaches”.

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Ripe peach season blooms throughout the mountains and forests of Sapa

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Peach baskets are displayed in mountains at wholesale markets

3.3 Specialties from Dao ro

Like plums, peaches can also be soaked into wine. The most carefully selected, ripe and fragrant peaches will create extremely high-quality wine. And peach jam is also a specialty here that you should not miss.

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You can pick plums yourself at the garden if you like

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Just three plums can fit in the palm of an adult’s hand

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Sapa plum wine warms the hearts of tourists when traveling here

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Sapa plum wine and peach wine are very popular at parties

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Sapa plums and peaches are sold throughout the Sapa market

Sapa plum and peach are two Sapa specialty fruits that Vietnamtravelio would like to introduce to you. Take a trip to Sapa to enjoy all these fruits and explore all the beautiful scenery of the Northwest mountains and forests. If you don’t know what to buy as gifts for relatives and friends, don’t hesitate to buy these delicious fresh fruits!