On the days when the capital is slowly approaching autumn, when the air gradually cools and the gentle breeze carries the passionate scent of milk flowers. These days, when walking on the streets, you will easily see images of mothers and grandmothers with shoulder straps filled with green rice grains, strangely attractive and eye-catching. It is those packages of green rice that have always accompanied many generations of Trang An people, so when we grow up, even though we travel to all regions, sometimes our hearts ache to remember that simple, simple flavor. .

See more: Coming to the Capital and skipping these 6 Hanoi fried spring rolls shops, it would be a shame!

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No matter where you go, village green rice is always a gift from the capital that many people in Hanoi remember forever

It seems so simple, but the taste of village green rice is really not simple at all. The characteristic light scent of green rice, combined harmoniously with the scent of lotus leaves, plus the sweetness of dried young sticky rice grains, is enough to make packages of green rice that will make people happy forever. remember.

Those packages of village green rice are made from yellow flower sticky rice. The glutinous rice seeds used must be round, plump, shiny and have an ideal texture. Each year there are two rice crops, but the type of sticky rice used to make green rice is harvested from July to October, which is also when autumn begins in the capital.

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The type of sticky rice used to make green rice must be the type grown in the fields in Vong village to have the ideal elasticity and deliciousness.

Com is available everywhere, but if it’s the tastiest and most chewy, nowhere can it beat Com Village Vong. Because it is not simple, those packages of green rice have become one of the Hanoi specialties loved by many people, besides the equally famous Hanoi Banh Che Lam.

Previously, Vong village was a place that owned fields running along strips of land. Local people often plant sticky rice, wait until the rice is cupped and still steaming with milk to begin harvesting to make green rice. Rice to make green rice is not crushed or threshed but must be threshed by hand, then roasted to dry.

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The nuggets are made entirely by hand to have just the right amount of flexibility and smoothness

When the green rice is roasted, it must be pounded immediately and not allowed to cool to ensure it achieves moderate plasticity. During the pounding process, the chef must be extremely careful, not pounding too hard or the nuggets will be crushed and half as delicious. While pounding, you still have to continuously stir the green rice from top to bottom. Finally, when finished, put the green rice in small baskets sprinkled with lotus leaves, then carry it to the street and sell it to everyone.

In fact, to bring the village’s green rice packages to everyone, there is no need for a cart or any big shop. Com is inherently a country dish, so the way people sell it is similarly simple. With just a small basket lined with two or three layers of lotus leaves placed on the handle, the seller will take green rice along all the streets of Hanoi.

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The image of women and mothers with baskets of children lined with lotus leaves sitting and selling green rice on the sidewalks of Hanoi has become a familiar image in the days when the capital turns to autumn.

When someone buys, they don’t need a scale to measure accurately anymore. Just put your hand in the withered lotus leaf, then quickly pick up a handful of green rice in the basket and turn it upside down, and you’ve got a portion of village rice green rice. This method is quick and doesn’t stick to your hands. After that, they just need to quickly pull out the green sticky rice straw and tie it into a package of green rice and give it to the customer.

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Com Vong village – A simple gift in the way of enjoyment

The way to sell is simple, but the way to enjoy village green rice is even simpler. Some people will buy green rice to take home and slowly enjoy it, while others will squat next to that basket of fragrant green rice, stick their fingertips into the rice cereal package, then bring it to their mouth to fully feel the aftertaste of the countryside. Hanoi in autumn. Let me tell you that this way of enjoying will help you fully feel the cool aftertaste of new rice, and the faint pleasant scent of lotus leaves. With just a small package, sipping with a cup of green tea next to you, then chatting with friends and admiring the city’s scenery is truly a wonderful thing that everyone wants to try on their journey to explore Hanoi.

Hanoi has no shortage of shops selling green rice. However, if you want to buy the most standard packages of village green rice, then don’t miss the list that Vietnamtravelio is about to reveal to you right below.

Address: Tran Thai Tong street, Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay district, Hanoi city

Phone number: 096 850 36 76

Vong village green rice has always been one of the precious gifts that the capital sends to many far away friends. Currently, Huy Linh is one of the shops specializing in selling village green rice with the most accurate flavor that you can trust and choose.

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Com Huy Linh is one of the stores you can trust and choose

The store specializes in selling everything related to green rice, from fresh green rice with mother leaves type 1, dried green rice to products made from green rice such as green rice cakes, green rice sticky rice and even fried green rice. You can completely rest assured when buying Com Lang Vong at the shop, because the shop uses clean, quality ingredients, always ensuring food hygiene and safety, while preserving the entire elegant aftertaste of the dish. Every grain of green rice in Hanoi’s autumn.

Currently, although the profession of making green rice has gradually disappeared, Huy Linh still preserves that traditional profession day and night. The shop only sells at private homes and does not have a store, so you can contact via phone number to order and then come pick up. Fresh green rice at the shop is currently sold for about 280,000 VND / kg, which is quite reasonable, right?

Address: 19, Lane 85 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City

Phone number: 024 6 82 722 – 0984 966 682

For a long time, Ba Can village green rice shop has always been one of the traditional green rice brands associated with generations of Hanoi people. There is no need for a spacious and splendid store or a bright sign, but Ba Can’s nuggets shop is still a favorite destination for everyone.

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Com Ba Can is processed entirely by hand

Ba Can’s green rice is loose, loose, smooth and flexible, not clumpy like other places. Ba Can Restaurant uses entirely fresh ingredients and undergoes careful preparation and safe processing, so you can rest assured when buying green rice to bring home as gifts for family members.

Address: 11, Lane 50, Me Tri Thuong Street, Me Tri, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi City

Phone number: 0906 108 455

Com Me Tri with many years of experience in making green rice has always been one of the names you can trust if you want to buy the right package of village green rice. The shop has a list of products related to green rice such as green rice sticky rice, green rice wine, fried green rice and countless other dishes.

True to its name, the green rice at the restaurant is made entirely by hand, without coloring or using additives or preservatives, so you can enjoy it with complete peace of mind. The price of green rice in Moc Me Tri according to Vietnamtravelio is also extremely reasonable, about 250,000 VND / kg.

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Does Me Tri’s green rice nuggets look appealing, my friend?

Besides, you can also refer to other stores specializing in selling village green rice such as Thu Hue green rice, Co Man green rice, Le Gia moc green rice, Khanh Huyen green rice, etc.

For a long time, Vong village green rice has always been a precious gift that the capital has sent to many expatriate children and even distant friends. When you enjoy each attractive green rice grain, that is when you can fully feel the flavor of Hanoi’s autumn: simple, idyllic but always memorable. Dear friends, if we have the opportunity to visit the capital with Vietnamtravelio in the early days of autumn, we must definitely squat on the sidewalk together and enjoy a package of village green rice.