Address: 290 Hung Vuong, Vinh Trung, Hai Chau, Da Nang

Business hours: 6h00 – 19h00

Phone: 0236 3837 426

Da Nang Con Market is one of the oldest markets in Da Nang, built in 1940, after many restorations and repairs, it has the design and shape it has today. Up to now, the market has been in business for more than 70 years. In the past, Con market was often called by its full name, Da Nang Trade Center. Today, the market is where local people regularly gather to trade and exchange goods. At the same time, it is also an attractive destination for many tourists to come to search and buy many products as gifts or enjoy many delicious, attractive dishes with bold flavors of Da Nang.

Con Market has a quite large area, is home to more than 2,000 business households with a variety of products such as clothes, shoes, household appliances, seafood… but is especially famous, known by many people. are snacks. Another huge plus point for Con market, although the items are quite diverse and reasonably priced, you will almost never encounter a situation of price gouging or extortion to buy expensive items, so you can rest assured to shop for the best products. Favorite items at Con Da Nang market!

Sweep through Da Nang Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

Da Nang Con Market is one of the busiest and bustling tourist attractions with many items for you to comfortably shop.

Sweep through Da Nang Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

Coming here, you can discover countless Da Nang specialties from cuisine, dry goods to clothes, sandals,…

Da Nang Con Market is located quite close to the city center so moving here is very easy and convenient. First, you start from Vo Nguyen Giap street and turn straight to Phan Tu street, continue straight to Ngu Hanh Son street. Next, you will meet Dragon Bridge, turn around to the second roundabout and then turn onto Ong Ich Khiem Street, run about 1km more to reach Con market.

To move to Con market, you can consider and choose between many means of transportation in Da Nang such as:

Motorbike: You can rent a motorbike from the hotel where you are staying or many motorbike rental locations in Da Nang city. When traveling by motorbike, you will be able to proactively arrange your schedule and freely explore the market in any time frame you like.

Taxi: If you are not used to traveling or feel uncomfortable on the road, you can absolutely choose to travel by taxi, which is both convenient, safe, and effortless.

Sweep through Da Nang Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

You can rent a taxi to help you get to Cho Con, which is both safe, convenient and quick

When talking about Con market, we have to mention the extremely rich food system there. It seems that all the dishes in Da Nang are concentrated in the Con market area. The market’s trading area is divided into 3 areas: outdoor food, indoor food and dry specialties area.

This is an area that many tourists visit because the dining space is quite airy, cool and diverse. This area mainly serves snacks, full of typical dishes of Da Nang such as Quang noodles, tapioca cakes, banh xeo, fried spring rolls… Going everywhere in this area, you can see very There are many favorite dishes, all of which are prepared hot, seasoned to taste, and attractive.

After enjoying the salty dishes, don’t wait and immediately attack the area selling peeled tropical fruits, cakes or soft drinks… Food at the outdoor food court of Con Da market Da Nang only costs about 15,000 VND – 50,000 VND/portion, quite cheap but also very good quality.

However, remember to note that the outdoor food court’s operating hours are from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day!

Sweep through Da Nang Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

The area outside Da Nang Con market is sold with a variety of products, for you to freely choose and shop.

The indoor food court is built into two main rows, one for salty and thick dishes and the other for sweet dishes. Each side has attractive, eye-catching dishes with countless options. You can start your journey to discover Da Nang cuisine at the savory area with all kinds of dishes such as vermicelli noodles, banh can, banh xeo,… and then wander to the sweet and dessert area with steamed dishes. Products such as cakes, sweet soup, smoothies, juices… However, according to many tourists, the most famous dish at the market is pomegranate sweet soup, with a variety of toppings, both fragrant and fatty. Crispy and crunchy with coconut flavor, extremely chewable.

Despite the variety, the dishes at the market are all extremely cheap, combined with the jubilant and bustling atmosphere, it will bring you wonderful experiences that very few places can bring you.

Scan Da Nang's Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

After tiring shopping, you must definitely go to the food area to recharge your energy with attractive dishes

Scan Da Nang's Con market to discover the culinary paradise that thousands of people love

Da Nang Con Market is also famous for its bustling, bustling dining area, full of specialty dishes.

Scan Da Nang's Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

You can visit to visit, shop and enjoy countless interesting things

This is an area where many specialty items are sold, suitable for you to buy as gifts. The most prominent feature of the market is the dried specialties, especially the extremely famous fresh seafood such as dried beef, one-sun squid, one-sun fish,… Or you can also refer to some of the specialty fish sauce dishes of Da Nang like shrimp paste, shrimp paste, meat paste,… with a unique flavor, is chosen by many tourists thanks to its unique flavor and simple preservation, bringing a unique flavor that is unmistakable. no way.

The dry foods at the market are highly appreciated for their quality, made from fresh ingredients, guaranteed to be safe, and through a special marinating process, they have a very unique flavor. So if you want to choose a gift to give to your loved ones or family, don’t miss this area!

Scan Da Nang's Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

The mlem dry goods stalls make it impossible to take your eyes off as you pass by

Sweep through Da Nang's Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

With a variety of options, you can freely try and buy as gifts for relatives and friends

Because Da Nang Con Market is one of the favorite destinations of many tourists, when visiting the market, you should pay attention to preserving your belongings carefully, or to be safe, you should switch to wearing a backpack or bag on the right side. in advance to avoid losing things!

With some fashion products such as shoes, clothes… you should bargain a little to make sure you don’t get too high a price.

Da Nang Con Market’s operating hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., so you should try to arrange to visit, it is best to visit in the afternoon to comfortably shop and experience the night food market here.

Sweep through Da Nang Con market to discover a culinary paradise that thousands of people love

This is an extremely attractive check-in point that you must definitely visit

Da Nang Con Market is an interesting destination that attracts countless people with many attractive specialties. Hopefully the information that Vietnamtravelio has just introduced to you will help you fill your journey to discover Da Nang with countless interesting and impressive experiences while still ensuring safety!