1.1 GenkiLand Resort & Spa

Address: 5C Phan Ke Binh, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi

Website: genkiland.com


Hotline: 0888 98 6556 – 024 6687 5118

Reference price: 180,000 VND / 1 hour or more

GenkiLand Onsen & Spa is one of the most luxurious Onsen bathing addresses in Hanoi. Here, you can combine Onsen bathing with relaxing body massage. This place is also popular with many customers, including pregnant women. You will receive private massage on your face, body and soles of your feet. One experience that Vietnamtravelio wants to tell you is that you should go here on weekdays to avoid crowds.

See more: Review of experience swimming in Hanoi’s artificial sea to relieve the heat of summer days

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GenkiLand Onsen & Spa’s most luxurious Onsen bathing space in the capital

1.2 SHIO Spa

Address: 107 Mai Hac De, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi

Phone: 024 730 88 669 – 0965 176 266

Business hours: 09h30 – 22h00

Reference price: 200,000 VND / 1 hour or more

SHIO Spa carries out the Hanoi Onsen bathing process according to standard Japanese tradition. Next, you will enter the hot mineral jacuzzi at a temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius. Then go through a steaming process with extremely high humidity (100%) to eliminate all toxins in the body. The most unique feature of SHIO Spa is the process of dry sauna – cold bath – dry sauna with Himalayan salt stones. After finishing the Onsen bathing process, there will be professional staff to help you steam with activated carbon, a combination of Loess clay and Chinese medicine. This Spa’s steam rooms all have modern specialized machines and are guaranteed to satisfy all customers, even the most demanding. You will have an unforgettable Hanoi Onsen bathing experience here.

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SHIO Spa has a traditional Japanese-style Onsen bathing process

2.1 Take a shower

Bathing is a form of bathing that mainly uses an outdoor bath. Some places have separate baths for men or women. In the bathing area, soap and shampoo will be prepared so you can clean your body and absorb the minerals in the following steps.

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Public baths for both men and women at Spas

2.2 Hot mineral bath

Hot mineral baths can be bathed in stone pools, jar pools or cave pools with a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius. In particular, with outdoor public mineral baths, men and women can bathe together and admire the surrounding landscape. One point to note is that when bathing in hot mineral water, you should not let the water rise above your shoulders, because water pressure can weigh heavily on the body, which is not good for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. Don’t forget to use a towel to wrap your head, which will help retain body heat, relax the head area or absorb sweat when needed.

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Taking an outdoor hot mineral bath can not only relax your body but also admire the beautiful surrounding scenery

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Hot mineral bath space close to nature

2.3 Hot sauna – The most important step in Hanoi Onsen bathing

If you want the most effective and standard mineral bath, you must take a hot steam bath to clean your skin. Then the essences will easily penetrate the body. Normally, Hanoi Onsen baths will have regular steam baths, salt stone or herbal steam baths, depending on your requirements.

The sauna room will have a temperature of about 85 degrees Celsius, so it’s best to only steam for about 15 minutes. As for salt rock sauna, the temperature only needs 50 degrees Celsius to help the body eliminate toxins by lying on natural rock surfaces. This method is very good for treating bone and joint diseases and headaches.

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Hot sauna is the most important step in the Hanoi Onsen bathing experience

2.4 Cold sauna – Relax your body

Next is the cold steam step, this step will help your skin tighten pores, which is extremely beneficial for the skin. The temperature is only about 6 – 10 degrees Celsius so you should only steam for about 5 minutes. If you can’t stand low temperatures, ask the staff to adjust the heat to about 18 degrees Celsius, which will also help cool your body and create a more refreshing feeling.

The mineral bath – hot – cold sauna cycle can be done regularly 2 – 3 times continuously. Depending on your health, you should consider the bath time. Other combined bathing methods will add many benefits, helping to stimulate the nerves, relieve stress, and help the body quickly recover. Onsen bathing facilities in Hanoi today also perform the basic bathing steps as above, but the mineral – dry – cold bathing sequence may be different.

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You should only take a cold sauna for about 5 minutes and ask the staff to adjust the temperature if your body cannot tolerate it

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Onsen bathing in Hanoi not only helps relax the body but also has many other effects

Japanese tourism has developed greatly thanks to traditional Onsen bathing services. With this experiential activity, you will be immersed in hot water with a temperature of about 38 – 41 degrees Celsius. With moderate heat, combined with automatic water waves will help you massage your body to the maximum, relaxing you. Opens pores, making you highly refreshed. The minerals in the water will help the body dispel fatigue, support the treatment of diseases such as joint pain, blood circulation, muscle and joint tension, shoulder pain, bruises… Therefore, Onsen bathing is not just a formality. Relaxes the body normally but is also very good for health. Experiencing the Onsen bathing activity will give you a lot of energy and health to conquer your journey to explore Hanoi’s Old Quarter.

See more: AMARE: experience Onsen and sauna at Hanoi’s leading health care complex

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Hanoi Onsen baths with Japanese style standards have been designed in many Spas

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Experience the feeling of relaxing your body and liberating your mind after a long day

If you want to fully enjoy the onsen bathing experience and a day in Hanoi, don’t forget to take note of a few points below.

4.1 Notes before and after taking an Onsen bath

– Before taking a bath, you need to wash thoroughly and use the soap and shampoo that are prepared.

– Do not wear clothes, including swimsuits, when bathing.

– Absolutely do not take photos or use alcoholic stimulants to ensure your health and maintain general hygiene.

– When taking a bath, bring a large towel to wrap your body and a small towel to wrap on your head to retain body heat, stabilize blood pressure and absorb sweat.

– When soaking, soak your feet first and then gradually lower your body to avoid heat shock.

– After showering and going up, you should not shower again to keep the minerals on your skin, rest and drink water to replenish your body.

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Plan with your friends to experience this service as soon as you arrive in Hanoi

4.2 Things you should and shouldn’t do while bathing on Onsen

– You should not eat too much or drink too much water to avoid stomach pain due to the impact of water flow.

– Be careful when walking and slipping.

– Do not make noise, disorder and affect the people around you.

– Do not let towels or hair fall into the pool.

– Do not wash clothes in the bathtub or swim in the bathtub.

-Do not use the machine in the mineral bathing area.

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Don’t forget to take notes when experiencing Hanoi Onsen bathing

Onsen bathing activities in Hanoi are very developed in the capital. This activity not only helps you relax your body but also helps treat many psychological diseases. Hopefully Vietnamtravelio’s sharing about Hanoi Onsen bathing experience above will help you gain more useful information! Don’t forget to pocket your Hanoi travel experience!